CC: Tweaked

CC: Tweaked


Rendering dan200 skull causes crash in build 1.12.2-1.82.2

kreezxil opened this issue · 3 comments


Useful information to include:

  • Minecraft version: 1.12.2-
  • CC: Tweaked version: 1.12.2-1.82.2
  • Detailed reproduction steps:
  1. have JEI installed
  2. open jei and browse to silverfish
  3. press 'u' while hovering over silverfish

A player on my World of Dragons modpack reported they did this. I posted the report to JEI first as it appears in the top of the stack trace. However, I noticed the Mezz will tell players that another mod is responsible for the rendering crashes. So looking deeper into the crash report it shows not a silverfish but the dan200 skull being rendered as to what is causing the crash


I'm unable to reproduce with just CC:T and JEI (Forge, JEI

I'm fairly sure this is due to a core mod interfering - there's nothing in renderItemAndEffectIntoGUI (func_184391_a) which should ever throw an NPE.


As mezz has said on the other issue, this is most likely not a JEI or CC:T issue. Try to remove some mods, reproduce the issue, and repeat until you can work out who/what is causing it.
