CC: Tweaked

CC: Tweaked


(Resolved) Chats Randomly Just Stop Working + Computers Restarting on Server Restart.

EyemSoReel opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Minecraft Version





So on my server, we only use simple voice chat and the pocket computer chat to communicate, but we're having issues with the chats on the computer randomly stopping

So I already increased the size of my radius for the wireless modems, I have a cell tower in my town that I built at a medium height with a Advanced Computer with a wireless monitor and an advanced Monitor on the right side, I do Monitor Right Chat Host (Name) and I can usually connect to the chat from the pocket computers across the whole town but out of no where all my pocket computers reset and when we try to join back to the chat it says "Looking up (Hostname).... Failed"

this is very frustrating as we need the chat to stay active until the server resets... speaking of that, is there not a way to make it where the computers don't reset when you leave a singleplayer world or when a multiplayer server restarts, we have a lot of computers we use to display information across a base and they're frustrating to have to all reset every restart.


speaking of that, is there not a way to make it where the computers don't reset when you leave a singleplayer world or when a multiplayer server restarts, we have a lot of computers we use to display information across a base and they're frustrating to have to all reset every restart.

A file called startup in the root of the drive will be automatically run when the computer starts.

I'm not sure about the chat program just randomly stop working. There is a bug report for computers timing out when ticks pause, do you have a mod that makes backups in your modpack? See #1876


Building on Lupus' response, you can use to run another program from your startup.lua file:"monitor right chat host epic_chat")

As for it randomly stopping: My assumption is either the chunk is being unloaded (everything in an unloaded chunk stops, including CC computers), or the issue linked above.

Also, do note that wireless modems have a maximum range. If you leave that range, you will not be able to connect to the chat room. Upgrade to ender modems when you can! They have infinite range.


Okay I had Chat GPT help me get the startup working

It was "edit startup"

then the command you gave me with an edited group name

then for the chunks I ended up using a Chunk Loader Mod on the server.