CC: Tweaked

CC: Tweaked


Crash on mining Stella Arcanum (again)

gitlias opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Minecraft Version





Related Issues

#667, #585, #301, #600


###Reproduction Steps

  1. Have Mining Turtle mine Stella Arcanum
  2. Stella Arcanum should Explode
  3. Doesn't (It does not seem to relate to the Turtle turning as in #667)
  4. Tick takes over 60s
  5. Server says Bye

I could also reproduce this in singleplayer.


I went through the other crash logs and noticed a third mod showing up in the possible suspects list. That being Polymorph.


Thanks for the report! I'm afraid I can't reproduce this with just CC:T and Forbidden Arcanus. I suspect this is caused by another mod doing some funky mixin, but it's not immediately obvious looking at the crash who that is.

Do you have a link to the modpack you're using?


@SquidDev No additional Mods. It still happens on a fresh server install for me. I just tried it again, it happens using the built in excavate and tunel command. Sorry for not including that from the start.


I'm afraid I can't reproduce, even in the full pack. I'm currently running version 6.2.2, and did the following:

  • Place down a mining turtle.
  • Place down stella arcanum in front of the turtle.
  • Open the turtle, insert some items into the first slot.
  • Run lua and then turtle.dig().
  • The turtle explodes, and drops the items in the first slot and the stella arcanum. The turtle is currently not dropped due to a different bug (bb97c46).

Do you have any additional mods in the pack?


Hah, that was a nasty one. Thank you for the extra info, that was very useful!