CC: Tweaked

CC: Tweaked


Pocket computer not updating in left hand

TotoShampoin opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Minecraft Version





I will let the title and the video speak for itself first


My steps here:

  1. Open the game
  2. Start the advanced pocket computer (no wireless, no ender, no speakers)
  3. Type help and press enter
  4. Leave the ui
  5. Swap hands (with F)
  6. Right click to go in computer mode
  7. Type programs and press enter
  8. Exepected: The monitor should display things
  9. Swap back, go back in the UI, notice that it did in fact print the programs list, internally
  10. Put something in the left hand, and play around with the computer. Notice the updates work in the right hand.
  11. Play worm, leave the UI
  12. Swap hands
  13. Expected: The monitor should update regardless of the hand
  14. Instead, it only updates in the right hand

It is worth mentioning that:

  • I use arch linux
  • I have other mods (but I tried removing those, it still bugs)
  • I have another advanced computer and a turtle powered on (but I tried turning them off, it still bugs)
  • I did not update to 1.21.1



Duplicate: #1944


Thanks for the report! Hah, that's an ... interesting quirk of Minecraft's implementation!