CC: Tweaked

CC: Tweaked


1.13 Crashes with java.lang.NoSuchMethodError during RegistryEvent.Register<minecraft:blocks>

chorman0773 opened this issue · 2 comments

  • Minecraft Version: 1.13.2
  • CC:Tweaked Version: 1.13.2-1.82.3
  • Detailed reproduction steps: Occured during launch.

During launch with just computercraft and forge, the game crashed with a java.lang.NoSuchMethodError during RegistryEvent.Registerminecraft:blocks.

The method being invoked, which could not be resolved was net.minecraft.state.EnumProperty.create(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class;)Lnet/minecraft/state/EnumProperty;.
This was called from<clinit>, (static initializer) from line 28 of


I'm unable to reproduce on Forge 25.0.209 and CC:T 1.13.2-1.82.3. Can you make sure you're on the latest version and try again. If it still fails, would it be possible to attach your full logs and crash report?

I've double checked the jar, and it's definitely using the obfuscated name instead of the deobfuscated one, so not even sure how this error is happening. Are you using the CurseForge build, or something else?

Edit: Ahhh, the build on GH appears to be broken. I recommend grabbing the one from Curse instead.


Yeah, I was using the GH Build. I didn’t know about the CurseForge one