CC: Tweaked

CC: Tweaked


Pocket computer disappears when placed in offhand

ThizThizzyDizzy opened this issue ยท 2 comments

  • Minecraft 1.12.2
  • CC: Tweaked 1.83.1

Steps to reproduce:

  1. obtain a pocket computer
  2. open your inventory
  3. place it in your offhand slot
  4. close your inventory
  5. right click

After around half a second, the pocket computer will disappear without a trace


I'm unable to reproduce with Forge and no other mods installed.

I can't think of what would cause this within CC:T's codebase, so I suspect something else is interfering. Some things worth trying:

  • Does it happen with any item in your off-hand, or just pocket computers?
  • Does it happen in a fresh world?

If so, it might be worth removing several mods until you can work out what is causing it.


Figured it out;
It was a different mod clearing my offhand slot