CC: Tweaked

CC: Tweaked


Clear all monitors when running /computercraft shutdown

Lemmmy opened this issue ยท 4 comments


So it doesn't appear shops are running and stuff


I'm a little iffy on this - I can definitely see the uses of resetting peripherals upon a forcible shutdown, but I've a couple of problems with it:

  • I don't necessarily think that a shutdown should result in a reset. After all, os.shutdown and C-s don't do this. Whilst one is "server" initiated and one is "user" initiated, it does seem a little inconsistent.
  • Determining what peripherals are associated with what computers is hard. Especially when you take into account wired modems (worth noting that the Computer class doesn't have any concept of remote peripherals, merely the ones on the 6 cardinal directions). One could just reset every modem on the server, but obviously that's not ideal

perfectly valid. we can find workarounds for the shop problem, this just seemed like it may be the nicest way


Inconsistency aside, one is the literal shutting down of computercraft (AFAIK. I can't seem to find much documentation on it so I could be totally wrong), and one is a single computer shutting down, so maybe it is worth clearing them. Additionally I see the ability for a little fun feature to be put here, where on all terminal displays some sort of "I am dead" image is shown to make the users aware that computercraft is shutdown. But of course this is all hinging on my assumption of the /computercraft shutdown command. :P


I'm closing this for now, for a couple of reasons:

  • It's not apparent that there's a nice way to solve the aforementioned issues.
  • I don't think there's sufficient demand/need for this feature that it's worth implementing it - especially as any implementation will most likely be quite complex.