CC: Tweaked

CC: Tweaked


Build error

yanrenbin opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Building on MacOS Mojave 10.14.6, with Java SE 8u231, failed with the following error.
I ran "./gradlew build".

Configure project :
New Dep: net.minecraftforge:forge:1.14.4-28.1.26_mapped_snapshot_20190912-1.14.3_at_43e649be4ebe4501aed19ce82818d65414ce55a7

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

  • Where:
    Build file '/Users/renbin/Desktop/atlauncher/CC-Tweaked-1.14.4-1.85.0/build.gradle' line: 448

  • What went wrong:
    A problem occurred configuring root project 'cc-tweaked-1.14.4'. /Users/renbin/Desktop/atlauncher/CC-Tweaked-1.14.4-1.85.0/config (Is a directory)

config is indeed a directory and it seems it has been this way for the past few releases. What am I missing?


Hrmr, that's very odd. Can you run with -i (./gradlew build -i, and post the full log in a gist? Would you also be able to post which commit you're on (git rev-parse HEAD), just so I can check the build script - currently line 448 really doesn't line up with anything that would obviously cause this issue.


I was running it from the folder of the release 1.14.4-1.85.0 downloaded using the tar ball.
I created a public gist named "build log for CC-Tweaked 1.14.4-1.85.0 release". Here is the link, but it seems it doesn't work.

Building a cloned version of the master or the branch mc-1.14.x worked without a problem. Though, the branch mc-1.14.x failed once. It seems I had to build the minecraftforge. Although I could not get minecraftforge built successfully, somehow the second time I build mc-1.14.x for CC-Tweaked, it worked without a problem. Not sure exactly why.


Ahh, I see - it appears the build-script requires that the CC:T source code is in a git repo. I guess most people building it have cloned it, hence this not showing up before. I thought I'd made sufficient precautions so that git-specific features were deferred until actually needed, but evidently not.