CC: Tweaked

CC: Tweaked


Compare performance of monitors in Minecraft 1.12 and 1.15.

SquidDev opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Due to rendering changes in Minecraft 1.15, monitors were rewritten to use VBOs rather than display lists. It would be good to compare performance between the two on a variety of GPUs and see if there are any regressions.

There's two situations we should compare here:

  • Static monitors - those which render a static image.
  • Constantly changing monitors. This doesn't need to be massive changes - a single character is sufficient to cause a re-draw.

A terribly FPS graph on 1.12.2

A reasonable FPS graph on 1.15.1

I was kinda looking forward to doing some profiling to see what could be improved, but I think this is pretty clear-cut.