CC: Tweaked

CC: Tweaked


PDAs and computers can be mounted in disk drives, but turtles can't

Opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Happened on Switchcraft. Tried to mass produce turtles with a certain program, but it turns out, turtles in disk drives can be labeled, but not have files copied to them


Cannot reproduce on a turtle or computer which has been assigned an ID.

It's worth noting that CC (and thus CC:T) will not provide a mount for computers which do not have an ID: one must place them and label them first. Changing this would be nice, but is something better suited to the CC issue tracker as it'd probably require some API changes.

For the time being, I'd suggest placing the turtle next to a disk drive with a startup file. You can then turn the turtle on (using another turtle), the startup file will be run, which can install whatever files you like.


Ok, thanks. That's the workaround me and valithor used last night