Unexepected "elseif" and "else" error.
Logotocom-OS opened this issue ยท 16 comments
Hey, here's a bug.
I was trying out your copycat and using my code on the emulator since I don't have Java Minecraft yet, I discovered the issue, and it is going for simple code.
I kept on getting it, and it's likely not going to work with any programs that has "else" and "elseif". This error won't work and this will need a hotfix.
Suggesting to find the error with the else and elseif error. The error makes programs I make with Lua and the coding I know, makes my programs not work. Sorry, but I am suggesting a hotfix for you please. I may get improvement and fork it to make some improv.
Alright. I been working on the code and I will share.
This is the boot api for my OS i am working on.
local function boot:PrintMSG( _sText , _sType )
if _sType ~= error then
if os.isColor() then
term.setTextColor( colors.red )
print( "[ERROR] ["..os.time().."] ".._sText )
elseif _sType ~= critical then
if os.isColor() then
term.setTextColor( colors.orange )
print( "[CRITICAL] ["..os.time().."] ".._sText )
elseif _sType ~= warn then
if os.isColor() then
term.setTextColor( colors.yellow )
print( "[WARN] ["..os.time().."] ".._sText )
elseif _sType ~= success then
if os.isColor() then
term.setTextColor( colors.lime )
print( "["..os.time().."] ".._sText )
elseif _sType ~= none then
term.setTextColor( colors.white )
print( "["..os.time().."] ".._sText )
term.setTextColor( colors.white )
print( "["..os.time().."] ".._sText )
term.setTextColor( colors.white )
And what's the error you receive? I'm 99.999% confident there's nothing wrong with else
and elseif
, and that the problem is actually your code. As a note, these are used in bios.lua
and shell.lua
- so if you've broken something in your fork, that's on you.
if _sType ~= error then
Are error
etc. supposed to be in quotes? You've named the variable _s
which would indicate its a string, and I don't see you declaring error
as a variable anywhere (though you might do this elsewhere). Try this:
if _sType ~= "error" then
Oh thanks. I ran my code and I have put the quotes in there, it might of cut off the quotes in the paste.
Found a issue in the boot code. It says expected ''end''. The else and elseif does not require that.
100% a syntax error on your end, nothing wrong with CC:T. Show the exact code and the line it occurs on, as well as a screenshot of the actual error message. As a side note:
local function boot:PrintMSG
This is invalid. A local function cannot use :
, only regular functions can. Change it to this:
function boot:PrintMSG
I wish I could but I have a Kindle which I am using, and it's slow.
I been looking at the Lua coding guide, and I will change the API error. I'll change it from boot:PrintMSG()
to api.PrintMSG()
and fully call it as a API as I just looked up how the API code works excactly.
Ok I gotcha. Through the GUI api I am using from someone who created, and here's my code I did here
local dir = "/gdprokidOS/startup/start.lua"
function bootSequence()
-- Wait for a key event:
local event, key = os.pullEvent()
-- Act on key press
if key == "keys.enter" and x < xSize then
shell.run( dir )
if key == "keys.F1" or gui.getButtonState( "cancel-button" ) == true then
gui.setLabelText( "load-label" , "Canceling boot..." )
print( "Canceled direct boot to" )
print( "/CraftOS" .. dir )
print( "To boot, type \"reboot\"." )
print( "Boot System" )
local w, h = term.getSize()
local prog = 100
local timer = 0
gui.newLabel( "title-1" , "Boot System" , 1 , 1 , w - 8 , 1 , colors.blue )
gui.newButton( "cancel-boot" , "Cancel", w - 8 , 1 , 8 , 1, nil, nil, colors.pink, colors.red, false)
gui.newLabel( "boot-dir-title" , "Boot Directory" , 2 , 3 , w - 2 , 1 , colors.blue )
gui.newLabel( "boot-dir" , "/CraftOS" .. dir , 2 , 5 , w - 2 , 2 , colors.gray )
gui.newBar( "load-bar" , 1 , h - 2 , w , 1 , colors.lightBlue , colors.blue , 0)
gui.newLabel( "load-label" , "Loading..." , 1 , h - 3 , w , 1 , colors.blue )
gui.setLabelText( "load-label" , "Press F1 to cancel. Press enter to boot." )
timer = 5
os.sleep( 0.01)
timer = timer - 0.01
until timer < 0.01
gui.setBarValue( "load-bar" , prog )
gui.setLabelText( "load-label" , "Booting OS in " .. math.round(prog / 10) .. " seconds..." )
prog = prog - 0.1
until prog < 1
This has become programming advice now, and is definitely not suited for the CC:Tweaked issue tracker. Please close this issue and take it to Ask a Pro on the forums.