CC: Tweaked

CC: Tweaked


Add ability to read NBT with turtle.getItemDetail()

Naheulf opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Useful information to include:

  • Explanation of how the feature/change should work :
    When use turtle.getItemDetail() on a item(stack) the return should also include NBT data
    To keep compatibility with previous version an optional arg "includeNBT = false" can be added.

  • Some rationale/use case for a feature. My general approach to designing new features is to ask yourself "what issue are we trying to solve" and then "is this the best way to solve this issue?".
    This would be very usefull to sort items based on they enchantments (to only keep enchants we don't already have)
    Currently the only way to deal with the combinatorial explosion of enchantments is to use a very large amounts of NBT filters from other mods.


A white / black list woud be better in my opinion because it would have better compatibility with other mods.


I don't want to expose NBT information directly. There's lots of information stored in NBT which shouldn't be exposed to the user - for instance, bee stats on unanalysed bees.

Instead, there's mods like Plethora (or possibly #452 if it's ever implemented) which expose specific information about items, such as enchantemnts.


What about having it as a config option? Maybe with backlist and whitelist?