CC: Tweaked

CC: Tweaked


Computers/turtles make noise

crabdancing opened this issue · 6 comments


IDK if other people get this feeling, but to me, it feels kind of odd to see turtles quietly hovering, and noiselessly breaking blocks. They feel less like machines and more like magic. Adding some optional quiet humming noises when a turtle moves or breaks something could really improve the ambiance of a turtle factory, I think.

This effect seems especially strong now that so much in Minecraft has noises -- noises water being placed and picked up, noises for breaking different kinds of stone, for walking on different surfaces... I think those were awesome editions, but ComputerCraft stuff starts to feel oddly silent in comparison.

One of the things I really liked about OpenComputers were the tiny hard disk noises computers made when they were reading from or writing to disk. That would be kind of cool too if anyone else is interested in it. Just a suggestion! ^_^


I'd totally be willing to help out with making sound effects if needed! I imagine some could be taken from OpenComputers, license permitting, but I know my way around Audacity. I'm not great at making sound effects but I'll give it my best for a Minecraft mod project that I really like! ^_^


Sorry, meant to comment over the weekend but entirely forgot. I think some obvious places where sounds make sense:

  • Turning computers on. I guess some sort of beep would do - times like this I wish my Windows 3.1 machine still worked.

  • Turtle movement. I'm less sure about digging and attacking, as you get noises from the blocks as well - don't know if it'd end up being too much.

  • Disk inserts and ejects. Disk IO (either for computers or drives) would be a bit harder due to how they're implemented, and I'm not 100% sure if I'd want it.

    Likewise, dial-up noises on HTTP requests or modem messages would be awesome, but I could imagine it getting very annoying very quickly.

There's a lot of CC0 or CC BY sound libraries out there which one could draw from - I don't really trust myself to record them :). I suspect most of the fun (and time) will be trying to find decent sounds, and then seeing if they work well in-game.


You could also use the built-in Minecraft sounds. I just implemented a pure Lua thing that does disk IO and turtle movement sounds using an attached speaker (if one is found), with the hat and snare notes, respectively. However, the sounds do sound a bit off, so it may be better to go for real sounds recorded for the purpose.


What license are the sounds for open computers? Maybe we can use those?


@Luca0208 Yes, I suggested this earlier. Also:

"All assets are public domain, unless otherwise stated; all are free to be distributed as long as the license / source credits are kept." -- README from OpenComputers repo

I think we're clear to use their sound directory as long as we credit them. :)


With this, it would be cool if users could play a sound (like a beeper speaker) from a program. Would definitely add a lot of possibilities for games, programs and whatever else.