CC: Tweaked

CC: Tweaked


On Lua and development environment

crabdancing opened this issue ยท 2 comments


So I'm still trying to write code for ComputerCraft in VSCode. I'm using the recommended extension pack. My biggest frustration so far is that I'm not shown if members are unknown/nonexistent. Is there a way to get my IDE to detect and warn me of these things?


People have said that you can mount the ROM in the Lua sever exstention, I've never done it so I don't know if it will fix your issues. FatBoyChummy, on the Discord, I believe is one of the people who has done it.


I'm afraid I don't use the Lua server extension so can't comment on it. As Lupus says, you're probably better off asking folks on the Discord about that.

CC: Tweaked itself is linted using illuaminate, which catches a reasonable number of problems. It's still a long, long way from feature complete - it doesn't have a proper type checker, so only really tracks members on the module level. It's on the road map, ... so PRs welcome I guess????

That said, I haven't actually got it working with CC:T as an external module. Again, something which needs to be done, but a) haven't figured out a nice way to do it and b) not an immediate priority right now. I have too many projects on the go :).