CC: Tweaked

CC: Tweaked


[Request] turtle.use() function

vico93 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Little summary:

Since 1.9.x grass paths were added to Minecraft. They are created using (right-click) a shovel on a grass block (or other dirt blocks if using a mod).

The actual behavior of turtles to create it, according to SquidDev in discord is to use [turtle.dig()]( but since shovel is also the preferred way to actually dig dirt-like blocks it cause somekind a ambiguous and confuse case for newcomers at turtle scripting. Similar thing is with turtle.dig() for hoes.

So i thought: if a proper use() function could be implemented for turtles scripting would be more organized without ambiguous cases like these.

Sorry if i wasnt much clear, but this is a idea sprouting my mind.


To be honest, I think turtle.use() could just be an alias for, and then make properly mimic vanilla behaviour, similar to how block breaking now more closely resembles vanilla behaviour.


It's probably better to discuss this on the main CC repo, as more people watch it, and thus are able to provide thoughts.


Good idea, this would render using to fill a bucket obsolete, so that we could use turtle.use() with a bucket instead to fill them. Similarly, turtle.use() could perhaps also throw a throw-able potion, press a button block and more, however this is subject to thought, as this may render turtles too powerful where we might want other mods (such as Plethora) to provide techniques for achieving these things like pressing buttons and throwing potions.

along with turtle.use(), obviously turtle.useUp() and turtle.useDown() would also be implemented.
