CC: Tweaked

CC: Tweaked


Monitor Rendering Bug

triffman33 opened this issue ยท 3 comments

  • Minecraft version: 1.16.4

  • CC: Tweaked version: cc-tweaked-1.16.4-1.94.0.jar

  • Log: latest.log

  • Detailed reproduction steps: Place monitor and sometimes things like water get rendered infront of it when it should be blocked by the monitor being there.


This is a very odd bug. I'm not 100% sure why this would happen - we render to the depth buffer like any other block, so it shouldn't be overridden.

I'm afraid I've tried several setups, and I'm unable to get this to occur on my computer at all. Just a couple of things I want to check to see if I can nail down the problem:

  • Just to confirm, you're facing south in the above video? Does this actually make a difference, or does this problem happen in all directions.
  • Does it still occur if you place the reactor blocks with a boring one (such as dirt)?
  • Could you take a screenshot with chunk boundaries enabled (F3+G)?

Yep south seems to be the only direction where it happens, it still occurs with normal blocks or with no blocks at all. should show more info on the setup. Also items seem to render behind it as well as water, but not items of blocks dropped. I removed every other mod this time and it still occurs so i guess it's either forge or cc:tweaked.

Edit: The monitor on the right stops bugging as soon as the monitor on the left is on screen at all, so theres some sort of priority on one of them?

Edit 2: Actually it seems that it can happen in every direction, but the angle is different for each direction.


Thank you, that's very helpful! Turns out I was testing on 1.15 (where it doesn't happen), but can easily reproduce on 1.16. Sorry about that!

This appears to be a a problem with any transparent block, not just water.

Interestingly, it's much, much worse in spectator mode.

A monitor with glass being rendered through it

I guess something changed in the render engine's internals which means the blocker is either rendered much later, or not at all.