CC: Tweaked

CC: Tweaked


Registry Object not present: computercraft:disk

Shuckes opened this issue ยท 7 comments


The game crashed whilst initializing game
Error: java.lang.NullPointerException: Registry Object not present: computercraft:disk
Exit Code: -1

CC: Tweaked 1.15.2 1.95.2
doesnt work with MineColonies or doesnt work at all.


Thank you for the report! Would you be able to fill out the information in this template?

Especially useful would be the log files - this problem happens when there's an earlier mod loading issue, so it's hard to tell what that'd be without more context.


Crash is not localized to MineColonies. I got the same crash. Log attached.

Minecraft Version: 1.15.2
Forge Version: 31.2.47
CC: T Version: 1.95.2

Reproduction steps & Info:
Mod List:

[ ] 1. Launch Forge
[ ] 2. Observe crash


@ARP-Equilibrated I may be missing something, but I can't actually see CC: Tweaked on that mod list. The crash is definitely not showing up in the logs.

Also, please delete your options.txt file to regenerate it. The parsing exceptions from those are no fun at all :).


Just wanted to add on that this is happening with just a forge and cc-tweaked install.

First time trying a single install on linux so I may have done something wrong but...


Right, it appears there's a class loading error previously in the load path:

java.lang.BootstrapMethodError: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: dan200.computercraft.shared.pocket.items.ItemPocketComputer.func_210306_e(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Lnet/minecraft/world/World;Lnet/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity;)F
	at dan200.computercraft.shared.pocket.items.ItemPocketComputer.<clinit>(
	at dan200.computercraft.shared.Registry$ModItems.lambda$static$1(
	at net.minecraftforge.registries.DeferredRegister.lambda$register$0(
	at net.minecraftforge.registries.DeferredRegister.addEntries(
	at net.minecraftforge.eventbus.EventBus.doCastFilter(

Looking at the decompiled class code, the lambdas in ItemPocketComputer get compiled to the following (obviously bogus) code.

private static final IItemPropertyGetter COMPUTER_STATE = ItemPocketComputer::func_210306_e;
private static final IItemPropertyGetter COMPUTER_COLOURED = ItemPocketComputer::func_210307_d;

I imagine this is being caused by a combination of 34b5ede and some underlying bugs in ForgeGradle. We may have to revert that commit (ughr), or try to narrow down the underlying issue.

I'll archive the build on CF for now, so other people aren't hit by it.

Edit: This appears to be already reported - md-5/SpecialSource#60. It looks like it should be easy to fix, so will try to submit a PR when a have a moment.


Glad to have helped narrow it down. Any further information that could be useful?


@SquidDev Yeah I took the mod out when it was causing issues, but that was the report from when I had it in. All the mods shown there were with CC: T.