Ceiling Torch

Ceiling Torch


Crash w/ Malum

WenXin20 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Minecraft v1.16.5
Forge v36.1.32
Ceiling Torch v1.13.1
Malum v0.3.0

While trying to test if the mod compat ceiling torches have the collision bug, I got a crash with Malum torches when placing it on the ceiling. On a server, I crashed client-side.
Crash Report


Yep, crashes as a normal torch too. Must be on Malum's side


I can't reproduce this crash with only Ceiling Torch and Malum, the ceiling torch particles render fine. Maybe some other mod is messing with the rendering of Malum? Do Malum's torches work when placed normally?


Hmm, not sure. I'll give it a try. I have Sodium Reforged installed, so maybe that causes it.