Celestisynth: Wishes and Hells

Celestisynth: Wishes and Hells


Rainfall Serenity Crash

VenomTFx opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I'm not really sure if this has been addressed before but I don't see anything on it and I know it's not just me since I have had some friends test this as well to see what happens and it still crashes.

So basically the Rainfall Serenity causes this weird and very specific crash. I don't know what exactly is causing it but I know what is triggering it. Apparently, if you load into your world, switch to the bow, and then press a number to switch off of the bow, it crashes. I said this was a very specific crash because there are a few things you can do to stop this. You can either use the scroll wheel to switch off it, (not really sure why switching using numbers crashes but not the scroll wheel), or you can make sure you shoot it at least one time before you switch off it using number keys (you have to do this every time you load in and it should prevent the crash from happening until you log off and rejoin.

I know the developer is on break right now but this feels like maybe an important thing to deal with, I was planning to use this mod on a server with friends but if it crashes on single-player god knows what it'll do to a server.

If possible can others reply telling me if they also experience this? I really doubt I'm the only one dealing with this since my friends had the same thing happen to them but it doesn't make a lot of sense that this issue hasn't been brought up yet.

Update Apparently this issue has been closed before and the guy just said "Update to the latest version" but I am on the latest version yet it still occurs. He also mentioned supplementaries might be causing it but I do not have that mod installed.