Celestisynth: Wishes and Hells

Celestisynth: Wishes and Hells


weapon abilities trigger when hovering over the item in the inventory

Altay5704 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Just as the title says, the abilities for weapons trigger just by hovering over them in the inventory. Since this is a seemingly obvious and easily recreatable bug that doesn't seem to have been reported by anyone else yet, I assume it's caused by some obscure compatibility issue with another mod. However, I'm using around 300 other mods and can't be bothered to go through each and every one to find which one's causing the issue.


I don't think the issue is easily recreatable considering nobody else has really experienced it, let alone reported it. This definitely feels like some other mod is trampling over the functionality of these weapons, please send your modlist.


Mb, I meant to say "easily recreatable with the right mods installed." I'd attach the modpack itself, but it's too large for github.