


[1.12.2] Can't remove Porcelain Brick furnace recipe with CT

SeriousCreeper opened this issue ยท 12 comments


Ceramics version: 1.3.3b
Forge version: 2548
CraftTweaker version: 4.0.12

Trying to remove the porcelain brick furnace recipe using the following:


But it still stays. I tried the same line with other items (iron ingot, clay bucket, etc) and they all get removed properly. Porcelain Brick is the only one that doesn't.

CraftTweaker log:

[INITIALIZATION][CLIENT][INFO] CraftTweaker: Building registry
[INITIALIZATION][CLIENT][INFO] CraftTweaker: Successfully built item registry
[INITIALIZATION][CLIENT][INFO] [crafttweaker | SIDE_CLIENT]: Loading Script: {[0:crafttweaker]: tinkers.zs}
[POSTINITIALIZATION][CLIENT][INFO] Removing furnace recipes for: <ceramics:unfired_clay:5>
[POSTINITIALIZATION][CLIENT][INFO] 0 recipes removed for: <ceramics:unfired_clay:5>
[POSTINITIALIZATION][CLIENT][INFO] Removing furnace recipes for: <ceramics:clay_bucket>
[POSTINITIALIZATION][CLIENT][INFO] 1 recipes removed for: <ceramics:clay_bucket>
[POSTINITIALIZATION][CLIENT][INFO] Altering WorktableShaped Recipe(s) for <minecraft:crafting_table>

Yeah, this is kinda my fault, but mostly Forge's fault. Basically, in order to be compatible with Ex Nihilo I add furnace recipes for all clayPorcelain entries. Thing is, the Forge PR that added support for oredict furnace recipes got rejected, so I have to manually add recipes for each entry in the oredict. I cannot guarantee the oredict is added until postInit, so that is when I add my furnace recipes.

So, basically there is not much I can do to be compatible with CraftTweaker without breaking Ex Nihilo compat.


Oh i see, just looked at the code, that's unfortunate, hm.

Would it be possible to add a config option to skip registering the furnace recipes for porcalein? I know that's very specific to just that one item though, so totally understandable if you rather not.


Can you explain your reasoning for removing the recipe? I assume you want to use a different mod's block to smelt it?


Yep that's correct, i was gonna use the charcoal pit mod to process all unfired clay items. It has an in-world kiln, you place down your items in a hole, cover it with thatch and logs and set it on fire.

Wouldn't be the end of the world if the porcelain brick can also be smelted in a surface, just not ideal.


I'll see about adding a config then unless I can find an alternative way to add the recipes.


Awesome thanks, really appreciate that!


@KIYAKU that TerraFirmaCraft way of crafting of ceramics is a fun, immersive way of making them. good show!


23 days later and still no update to add a config option? Sigh, I wanted this to be fixed too :/


Patience. I have a life outside of Minecraft modding


I just pushed a commit with a config option to switch from oredict for grabbing the recipe to a static recipe from just my item. You should be able to remove the static recipe with crafttweaker easily.


Alright thanks, sorry if that comment was a bit pushy, nice work!


Config option is in 1.3.4, though since I changed when the recipes are added there is a chance it will just work without it