Chance Cubes

Chance Cubes


ChanceCubes prevents Morph abilities from working

mac2040 opened this issue ยท 22 comments


it stop iChun Morph mod abilities stop working fly and swim


Does the problem occur with only ChanceCubes and Morph?


yes a mod pack with only the two mods and no Morph abilities

iChunUtil (iChunUtil 4.2.2)
Morph (Morph 0.9.2)

MinecraftForge v10.13.4.1448



What? I find it very difficult to believe this mod stops the morph mod from working correctly given what this mod does. Unless you can find an error log or something I am going to say its not this mod.


He is right, with just those mods, you cannot use the morph abilities. Take chance cubes out and it works. Put it back it, and it doesn't work. There is nothing in the logs to indicate any errors.


We believe we have located the issue. I will try to make a fix for it tonight.


thank for the quick fix


Should be fixed. You can try the dev build available here:


Sorry to comment on closed issue, but I'm still having this issue with v37 unfortunately, but with a lot more mods. Removing the mod fixes it, and so-on as aforementioned. I also find it very strange that it does this given what chance cubes does. I am running DNS Techpack with Reika's mods added if that helps at all; I might try removing mods to pinpoint the problem :(


Hmmmm. Keep me updated on what you find. Also mind posting the error againg?


Has anyone been able to confirm this is still an bug on the latest version? If not i will close this.


Just tested it and it still not working


any error logs?


No just not working with and working withe out sorry I have nothing more


No just not working with and working withe out sorry I have nothing more


Can you describe what exactly isn't working? I'm not quite following how things are conflicting.


In morph if you kill a squid you can transform in to a squid and a squid can swim and go underwater and not loos oxygen whit the mod in it stop the ability working and you run out of oxygen and die


I understand how the morph mod works, but I am failing to understand how CC is preventing it from working. They are two different mods and CC does next to nothing with out the cubes being broken. I'm not saying CC isn't causing a conflict, but at this moment I have no idea how these two mods would conflict in the first place.


Me too it just stop it working not even touching a cc or holding any in my inventory or even interact withe them just a flat world kill squid and no abilities take mod out and abilities work you guess is as good as mine


I will try and reach out to iChun, but I have no idea how successful that will be. I really am lacking the knowledge of how morph fully works to know how a conflict would occur. If you find anything, let me know.


Not sure how helpful it would be, but it looks like iChun's source is also on github


Yep, I have already done some testing with it and left a comment on this tickets equivalent on his tracker


Ok. so, the "error" was finally found and fixed. You have 3 options now for fixing it on your end as I do not plan on putting a new version out to curse for this currently.

  1. rename either the Chance Cubes or Morph Mod jars so that the morph mod comes before Chance Cubes alphabetically
  2. Change this in the morph mod config: I:useLocalResources=0 to a 1
  3. Download a the dev version with the fix here:

If you have any questions let me know!