[SimpleWires]Crash when powering a wire with a redstone torch (I might have accidentally placed the torch on the side of the redstone wire itself))
pastellexists opened this issue ยท 1 comments
---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// Oh - I know what I did wrong!
Time: 2018-12-10 16:49:39 EST
Description: Exception in server tick loop
at pl.asie.charset.lib.modcompat.mcmultipart.RedstoneGetterMultipart.lambda$get$0(RedstoneGetterMultipart.java:51)
at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline$3$1.accept(Unknown Source)
at java.util.stream.Streams$StreamBuilderImpl.tryAdvance(Unknown Source)
at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline.forEachWithCancel(Unknown Source)
at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.copyIntoWithCancel(Unknown Source)
at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.copyInto(Unknown Source)
at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.wrapAndCopyInto(Unknown Source)
at java.util.stream.FindOps$FindOp.evaluateSequential(Unknown Source)
at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.evaluate(Unknown Source)
at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline.findFirst(Unknown Source)
at pl.asie.charset.lib.modcompat.mcmultipart.RedstoneGetterMultipart.get(RedstoneGetterMultipart.java:59)
at pl.asie.charset.lib.utils.redstone.RedstoneUtils.getModdedWeakPower(RedstoneUtils.java:81)
at pl.asie.simplelogic.wires.LogicWireUtils.getWeakRedstoneLevel(LogicWireUtils.java:113)
at pl.asie.simplelogic.wires.logic.PartWireNormal.propagate(PartWireNormal.java:178)
at pl.asie.simplelogic.wires.logic.PropagationQueue.propagate(PropagationQueue.java:45)
at pl.asie.simplelogic.wires.logic.PartWireNormal.onSignalChanged(PartWireNormal.java:92)
at pl.asie.simplelogic.wires.logic.PartWireSignalBase.scheduleLogicUpdate(PartWireSignalBase.java:83)
at pl.asie.simplelogic.wires.logic.PartWireSignalBase.updateConnections(PartWireSignalBase.java:206)
at pl.asie.charset.lib.scheduler.ScheduledEvent.run(ScheduledEvent.java:37)
at pl.asie.charset.lib.scheduler.Scheduler.onWorldTick(Scheduler.java:72)
at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_673_Scheduler_onWorldTick_WorldTickEvent.invoke(.dynamic)
at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke(ASMEventHandler.java:90)
at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:182)
at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onPostWorldTick(FMLCommonHandler.java:274)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.updateTimeLightAndEntities(MinecraftServer.java:776)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tick(MinecraftServer.java:668)
at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.tick(IntegratedServer.java:252)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:526)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
-- System Details --
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0
Java Version: 1.8.0_181, Oracle Corporation
Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
Memory: 1811275776 bytes (1727 MB) / 5858918400 bytes (5587 MB) up to 7574388736 bytes (7223 MB)
JVM Flags: 3 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xms512m -Xmx8125m
IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 12, tallocated: 94
FML: MCP 9.42 Powered by Forge Optifine OptiFine_1.12.2_HD_U_E2 185 mods loaded, 185 mods active
States: 'U' = Unloaded 'L' = Loaded 'C' = Constructed 'H' = Pre-initialized 'I' = Initialized 'J' = Post-initialized 'A' = Available 'D' = Disabled 'E' = Errored
| State | ID | Version | Source | Signature |
|:--------- |:------------------------- |:------------------------------- |:------------------------------------------------- |:---------------------------------------- |
| UCHIJAAAA | minecraft | 1.12.2 | minecraft.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | mcp | 9.42 | minecraft.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | FML | | forge-1.12.2- | e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557 |
| UCHIJAAAA | forge | | forge-1.12.2- | e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557 |
| UCHIJAAAA | foamfixcore | 7.7.4 | minecraft.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | opencomputers|core | | minecraft.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | splan | 2.65 | minecraft.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | fastbench | 1.6.0 | FastWorkbench-1.12.2-1.6.0.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | actuallyadditions | 1.12.2-r143 | ActuallyAdditions-1.12.2-r143.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | baubles | 1.5.2 | Baubles-1.12-1.5.2.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | actuallybaubles | 1.1 | ActuallyBaubles-1.12-1.1.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | akashictome | 1.2-11 | AkashicTome-1.2-11.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | guideapi | 1.12-2.1.7-62 | Guide-API-1.12-2.1.7-62.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | bloodmagic | 1.12.2-2.3.3-101 | BloodMagic-1.12.2-2.3.3-101.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | animus | 1 | Animus-2.0.4.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | applecore | 3.1.4 | AppleCore-mc1.12.2-3.1.4.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | charset | | Charset-Lib- | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | crafttweaker | 4.1.13 | CraftTweaker2-1.12-4.1.13.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | mtlib | 3.0.5 | MTLib-3.0.5.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | modtweaker | 4.0.15 | modtweaker-4.0.15.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | jei | | jei_1.12.2- | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | appleskin | 1.0.9 | AppleSkin-mc1.12-1.0.9.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | arche | @VERSION@ | arche-1.12.2-1.0.0.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | architecturecraft | @VERSION@ | architecturecraft-1.12-3.80.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | astralsorcery | 1.10.3 | astralsorcery-1.12.2-1.10.3.jar | a0f0b759d895c15ceb3e3bcb5f3c2db7c582edf0 |
| UCHIJAAAA | morphtool | 1.2-17 | Morph-o-Tool-1.2-17.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | quark | r1.5-134 | Quark-r1.5-134.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | autoreglib | 1.3-21 | AutoRegLib-1.3-21.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | backpack | 3.0.2 | backpack-3.0.2-1.12.2.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | badwithernocookiereloaded | 1.12.2-3.3.16 | badwithernocookiereloaded-1.12.2-3.3.16.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | betteradvancements | | BetterAdvancements-1.12.2- | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | betterbuilderswands | 0.12.0 | BetterBuildersWands-1.12- | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | betterthanllamas | 1.12.1-1.0.0 | BetterThanLlamas-1.12.1-1.0.0.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | bibliocraft | 2.4.5 | BiblioCraft[v2.4.5][MC1.12.2].jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | blur | 1.0.4-14 | Blur-1.0.4-14.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | bookshelf | 2.3.569 | Bookshelf-1.12.2-2.3.569.jar | d476d1b22b218a10d845928d1665d45fce301b27 |
| UCHIJAAAA | thaumcraft | 6.1.BETA26 | Thaumcraft-1.12.2-6.1.BETA26.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | botania | r1.10-358 | Botania r1.10-358.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | ctm | MC1.12.2- | CTM-MC1.12.2- | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | chisel | MC1.12.2- | Chisel-MC1.12.2- | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | mantle | 1.12- | Mantle-1.12- | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | twilightforest | 3.8.689 | twilightforest-1.12.2-3.8.689-universal.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | tconstruct | 1.12.2- | TConstruct-1.12.2- | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | ceramics | 1.12-1.3.6 | Ceramics-1.12-1.3.6.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | chameleon | 1.12-4.1.3 | Chameleon-1.12-4.1.3.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | chancecubes | 1.12.2- | ChanceCubes-1.12.2- | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | chesttransporter | 2.8.8 | ChestTransporter-1.12.2-2.8.8.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | chickens | 6.0.4 | chickens-6.0.4.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | chiselsandbits | 14.29 | chiselsandbits-14.29.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | clarity | 1.1 | clarity-1.1.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | vtm | 1.0 | Clean Prismarine 1.0.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | cleanview | 1.12.2-v1a | CleanView-1.12.2-v1a.jar | aaaf83332a11df02406e9f266b1b65c1306f0f76 |
| UCHIJAAAA | clumps | 3.1.1 | Clumps-3.1.1.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | codechickenlib | | CodeChickenLib-1.12.2- | f1850c39b2516232a2108a7bd84d1cb5df93b261 |
| UCHIJAAAA | redstoneflux | 2.1.0 | RedstoneFlux-1.12- | 8a6abf2cb9e141b866580d369ba6548732eff25f |
| UCHIJAAAA | cofhcore | 4.6.1 | CoFHCore-1.12.2- | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | cofhworld | 1.3.0 | CoFHWorld-1.12.2- | 8a6abf2cb9e141b866580d369ba6548732eff25f |
| UCHIJAAAA | cyclopscore | 0.11.11 | CyclopsCore-1.12.2-0.11.11.jar | bd0353b3e8a2810d60dd584e256e364bc3bedd44 |
| UCHIJAAAA | commoncapabilities | 1.4.0 | CommonCapabilities-1.12-1.4.0.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | conarm | | conarm-1.12.2- | 5d5b8aee896a4f5ea3f3114784742662a67ad32f |
| UCHIJAAAA | controlling | 3.0.6 | Controlling-3.0.6.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | cookingforblockheads | 6.4.65 | CookingForBlockheads_1.12.2-6.4.65.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | craftingtweaks | 8.1.9 | CraftingTweaks_1.12.2-8.1.9.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | ctgui | 1.0.0 | CraftTweaker2-1.12-4.1.13.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | crafttweakerjei | 2.0.2 | CraftTweaker2-1.12-4.1.13.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | eleccore | 1.8.434 | ElecCore-1.12.2-1.8.434.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | mcjtylib_ng | 3.0.7 | mcjtylib-1.12-3.0.7.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | opencomputers | | OpenComputers-MC1.12.2- | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | rftools | 7.59 | rftools-1.12-7.59.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | deepresonance | 1.7.3 | deepresonance-1.12-1.7.3.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | diethopper | 1.1 | diethopper-1.1.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | ding | 1.0.1 | Ding-1.12.1-1.0.1.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | dirt2path | 1.7.1 | dirt2path-1.8.0.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | thermalfoundation | 2.6.1 | ThermalFoundation-1.12.2- | 8a6abf2cb9e141b866580d369ba6548732eff25f |
| UCHIJAAAA | thermalexpansion | 5.5.2 | ThermalExpansion-1.12.2- | 8a6abf2cb9e141b866580d369ba6548732eff25f |
| UCHIJAAAA | dyndyn | 1.12.2-1.8 | DynamicDynamos-1.12.2-1.8.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | mcmultipart | 2.5.3 | MCMultiPart-2.5.3.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | edxmultipart | 1.1.1 | EDX-Multipart-1.1.1.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | elevatorid | 1.3.6 | ElevatorMod-1.12.2-1.3.6.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | embers | 1.11-hotfix | EmbersRekindled-1.11-hotfix.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | immersiveengineering | 0.12-86 | ImmersiveEngineering-0.12-86.jar | 4cb49fcde3b43048c9889e0a3d083225da926334 |
| UCHIJAAAA | engineersdoors | 0.8.0 | engineers_doors-1.12.2-0.8.0.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | extrautils2 | 1.0 | extrautils2-1.12-1.9.8.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | fairylights | 2.1.4 | fairylights-2.1.4-1.12.2.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | familiarfauna | 1.0.11 | FamiliarFauna-1.12.2-1.0.11.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | farmingforblockheads | 3.1.26 | FarmingForBlockheads_1.12.2-3.1.26.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | fastleafdecay | v14 | FastLeafDecay-v14.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | fencejumper | 1.0.5 | fencejumper-1.12-1.0.5.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | mekanism | 1.12.2- | Mekanism-1.12.2- | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | sonarcore | 5.0.19 | sonarcore-1.12.2-5.0.19-20.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | fluxnetworks | 3.0.19 | fluxnetworks-1.12.2-3.0.19-21.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | foamfix | 0.10.3-1.12.2 | foamfix-0.10.3-1.12.2.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | foamflower | 1.12.2- | foamflower-1.12.2- | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | forgelin | 1.8.2 | Forgelin-1.8.2.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | fw | 1.6.0 | FullscreenWindowed-1.12-1.6.0.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | cfm | 6.1.0 | furniture-6.1.0-1.12.2.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | gyth | 2.1.37 | Gyth-1.12.2-2.1.37.jar | d476d1b22b218a10d845928d1665d45fce301b27 |
| UCHIJAAAA | harvest | 1.12-1.2.6-18 | Harvest-1.12-1.2.6-18.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | waila | 1.8.26 | Hwyla-1.8.26-B41_1.12.2.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | ikwid | 1.0.2 | ikwid-1.0.2.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | teslacorelib | 1.0.15 | tesla-core-lib-1.12.2-1.0.15.jar | d476d1b22b218a10d845928d1665d45fce301b27 |
| UCHIJAAAA | industrialforegoing | 1.12.2-1.12.2 | industrialforegoing-1.12.2-1.11.10-223.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | inspirations | 1.12.2-0.2.3 | Inspirations-1.12.2-0.2.3.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | instantunify | 1.1.2 | instantunify-1.12.2-1.1.2.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | integrateddynamics | 0.11.18 | IntegratedDynamics-1.12.2-0.11.18.jar | bd0353b3e8a2810d60dd584e256e364bc3bedd44 |
| UCHIJAAAA | integrateddynamicscompat | 1.0.0 | IntegratedDynamics-1.12.2-0.11.18.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | integratedtunnels | 1.5.6 | IntegratedTunnels-1.12.2-1.5.6.jar | bd0353b3e8a2810d60dd584e256e364bc3bedd44 |
| UCHIJAAAA | integratedtunnelscompat | 1.0.0 | IntegratedTunnels-1.12.2-1.5.6.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | oreberries | 0.5.0 | oreberries-1.12.x-0.5.0.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | harvestcraft | 1.12.2z | Pam's HarvestCraft 1.12.2za.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | integrationforegoing | 1.12.2-1.8 | IntegrationForegoing-1.12.2-1.8.jar | 4ffa87db52cf086d00ecc4853a929367b1c39b5c |
| UCHIJAAAA | inventorypets | | inventorypets-1.12- | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | inventorysorter | 1.13.3+57 | inventorysorter-1.12.2-1.13.3+57.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | inventorytweaks | 1.63+release.109.220f184 | InventoryTweaks-1.63.jar | 55d2cd4f5f0961410bf7b91ef6c6bf00a766dcbe |
| UCHIJAAAA | ironchest | 1.12.2- | ironchest-1.12.2- | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | jaopca | 1.12.2- | JAOPCA-1.12.2- | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | oredictinit | 1.12.2- | JAOPCA-1.12.2- | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | jeiintegration | | jeiintegration_1.12.2- | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | journeymap | 1.12.2-5.5.3 | journeymap-1.12.2-5.5.3.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | kleeslabs | 5.4.11 | KleeSlabs_1.12.2-5.4.11.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | librarianlib | 4.15 | librarianlib-1.12.2-4.15.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | mage | 0.2.4 | MAGE-0.2.4.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | malisiscore | 1.12.2-6.4.0 | malisiscore-1.12.2-6.4.0.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | malisisdoors | 1.12.2-7.3.0 | malisisdoors-1.12.2-7.3.0.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | mekanismgenerators | 9.4.11 | MekanismGenerators-1.12.2- | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | minemenu | 1.6.3 | MineMenu-1.12.2-1.6.3-universal.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | modnametooltip | 1.10.0 | modnametooltip_1.12.2-1.10.0.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | moreoverlays | 1.14 | moreoverlays-1.14-mc1.12.2.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | mousetweaks | 2.9 | MouseTweaks-2.9-mc1.12.2.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | llibrary | 1.7.17 | llibrary-1.7.17-1.12.2.jar | b9f30a813bee3b9dd5652c460310cfcd54f6b7ec |
| UCHIJAAAA | mowziesmobs | 1.4.2 | mowziesmobs-1.4.2.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | mrtjpcore | | MrTJPCore-1.12.2- | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | naturalpledge | 3.0.2 | NaturalPledge-r3.0.2.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | naturescompass | 1.5.1 | NaturesCompass-1.12.2-1.5.1.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | neat | 1.4-17 | Neat 1.4-17.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | netherportalfix | 5.3.17 | NetherPortalFix_1.12.1-5.3.17.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | nofov | 1.0.1 | NoFov-MC1.12-1.0.1.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | oreexcavation | 1.4.133 | OreExcavation-1.4.133.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | placebo | 1.5.0 | Placebo-1.12.2-1.5.0.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | shetiphiancore | 3.5.8 | shetiphiancore-1.12.0-3.5.8.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | platforms | 1.4.6 | platforms-1.12.0-1.4.6.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | pneumaticcraft | 1.12.2-0.8.4-303 | pneumaticcraft-repressurized-1.12.2-0.8.4-303.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | practicallogistics2 | 3.0.8 | practicallogistics2-1.12.2-3.0.8-11.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | projecte | 1.12-PE1.3.2h | ProjectE-1.12-PE1.3.2h.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | reborncore | | RebornCore-1.12.2- | 8727a3141c8ec7f173b87aa78b9b9807867c4e6b |
| UCHIJAAAA | refinedstorage | 1.6.12 | refinedstorage-1.6.12.jar | 57893d5b90a7336e8c63fe1c1e1ce472c3d59578 |
| UCHIJAAAA | rebornstorage | 1.0.0 | RebornStorage-1.12.2- | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | rftoolscontrol | 1.9.2 | rftoolsctrl-1.12-1.9.2.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | roost | 1.3.0 | roost-1.12-1.3.0.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | roots | 0.104 | roots-2-0.104.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | bonetorch | @MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@REVIS@.@BUILD@ | SBM-BoneTorch-1.12-0.0.1b3.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | snad | 1.12.1- | Snad-1.12.1- | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | soot | 1.5 | Soot-1.5.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | spiceoflife | 1.3.12 | SpiceOfLife-mc1.12-1.3.12.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | stg | 1.12.2-1.2.3 | stg-1.12.2-1.2.3.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | storagedrawers | 1.12-5.3.5 | StorageDrawers-1.12.2-5.3.8.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | storagedrawersextra | @VERSION@ | StorageDrawersExtras-1.12-3.1.0.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | tallgates | 1.0.0 | TallGates-1.12.2- | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | thaumcomp | | ThaumicComputers-MC1.12.2- | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | tcinventoryscan | 2.0.10 | ThaumicInventoryScanning_1.12.2-2.0.10.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | thaumicjei | 1.2.1 | ThaumicJEI-1.12.2-1.5.5-23.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | thaumicperiphery | 0.3.0 | thaumicperiphery-0.3.0.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | thaumictinkerer | 1.12.2-5.0-353c71c | thaumictinkerer-1.12.2-5.0-353c71c.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | thermalcultivation | 0.3.1 | ThermalCultivation-1.12.2- | 8a6abf2cb9e141b866580d369ba6548732eff25f |
| UCHIJAAAA | thermaldynamics | 2.5.3 | ThermalDynamics-1.12.2- | 8a6abf2cb9e141b866580d369ba6548732eff25f |
| UCHIJAAAA | thermalinnovation | 0.3.1 | ThermalInnovation-1.12.2- | 8a6abf2cb9e141b866580d369ba6548732eff25f |
| UCHIJAAAA | tcomplement | ${version} | TinkersComplement-1.12.2-0.2.3b.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | toastcontrol | 1.7.1 | Toast Control-1.12.2-1.7.1.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | tombmanygraves | 1.12-4.2.0 | TombManyGraves-1.12-4.2.0.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | torchmaster | | torchmaster_1.12.2- | 5e9a436b366831c8f54a7e80b015784da69278c6 |
| UCHIJAAAA | traverse | 1.6.0 | Traverse-1.12.2-1.6.0-69.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | vanillafix | 1.0.10-SNAPSHOT | VanillaFix-1.0.10-99.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | veining | 1.3.2 | veining-1.3.2-1.12.x.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | vending | 1.12.2- | vending-1.12.2- | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | wailaharvestability | 1.1.12 | WailaHarvestability-mc1.12-1.1.12.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | wanionlib | 1.12.2-1.9 | WanionLib-1.12.2-1.9.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | wawla | 2.5.265 | Wawla-1.12.2-2.5.265.jar | d476d1b22b218a10d845928d1665d45fce301b27 |
| UCHIJAAAA | wearablebackpacks | 3.1.3 | WearableBackpacks-1.12.2-3.1.3.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | woot | 1.12.2-1.4.8 | woot-1.12.2-1.4.8.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | thebetweenlands | 3.4.1 | TheBetweenlands-3.4.1-universal.jar | 38067d6878811efb38b6a045521cfd80b9b60b38 |
| UCHIJAAAA | justthetips | 1.12- | justthetips-1.12- | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | librarianliblate | 4.15 | librarianlib-1.12.2-4.15.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | teslacorelib_registries | 1.0.15 | tesla-core-lib-1.12.2-1.0.15.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | unidict | 1.12.2-2.9.1 | UniDict-1.12.2-2.9.1.jar | None |
| UCHIJAAAA | wrapup | 1.12-1.1.3 | WrapUp-1.12-1.1.3.jar | None |
Loaded coremods (and transformers): AstralCore (astralsorcery-1.12.2-1.10.3.jar)
BedPatch (bedpatch-2.2-1.12.2.jar)
LibrarianLib Plugin (librarianlib-1.12.2-4.15.jar)
MageCoremod (MAGE-0.2.4.jar)
ServerPropertiesLAN (ServerPropertiesLAN-2.65.jar)
ForgelinPlugin (Forgelin-1.8.2.jar)
CTMCorePlugin (CTM-MC1.12.2-
MalisisCorePlugin (malisiscore-1.12.2-6.4.0.jar)
LoadingPlugin (Quark-r1.5-134.jar)
Inventory Tweaks Coremod (InventoryTweaks-1.63.jar)
llibrary (llibrary-core-1.0.10-1.12.2.jar)
ShetiPhian-ASM (ShetiPhian-ASM-1.12.0.jar)
BlurPlugin (Blur-1.0.4-14.jar)
IELoadingPlugin (ImmersiveEngineering-core-0.12-86.jar)
VanillaFixLoadingPlugin (VanillaFix-1.0.10-99.jar)
Do not report to Forge! (If you haven't disabled the FoamFix coremod, try disabling it in the config! Note that this bit of text will still appear.) (foamfix-0.10.3-1.12.2.jar)
AppleCore (AppleCore-mc1.12.2-3.1.4.jar)
TheBetweenlandsLoadingPlugin (TheBetweenlands-3.4.1-core.jar)
TransformerLoader (OpenComputers-MC1.12.2-
GL info: ERROR RuntimeException: No OpenGL context found in the current thread.
Pulsar/tconstruct loaded Pulses: - TinkerCommons (Enabled/Forced)
- TinkerWorld (Enabled/Not Forced)
- TinkerTools (Enabled/Not Forced)
- TinkerHarvestTools (Enabled/Forced)
- TinkerMeleeWeapons (Enabled/Forced)
- TinkerRangedWeapons (Enabled/Forced)
- TinkerModifiers (Enabled/Forced)
- TinkerSmeltery (Enabled/Not Forced)
- TinkerGadgets (Enabled/Not Forced)
- TinkerOredict (Enabled/Forced)
- TinkerIntegration (Enabled/Forced)
- TinkerFluids (Enabled/Forced)
- TinkerMaterials (Enabled/Forced)
- TinkerModelRegister (Enabled/Forced)
- chiselIntegration (Enabled/Not Forced)
- chiselsandbitsIntegration (Enabled/Not Forced)
- craftingtweaksIntegration (Enabled/Not Forced)
- wailaIntegration (Enabled/Not Forced)
Pulsar/inspirations loaded Pulses: - InspirationsShared (Enabled/Forced)
- InspirationsBuilding (Enabled/Not Forced)
- InspirationsUtility (Enabled/Not Forced)
- InspirationsTools (Enabled/Not Forced)
- InspirationsRecipes (Enabled/Not Forced)
- InspirationsTweaks (Enabled/Not Forced)
- InspirationsShared (Enabled/Forced)
- WailaPlugin (Enabled/Not Forced)
Pulsar/tcomplement loaded Pulses: - ModuleCommons (Enabled/Forced)
- ModuleFeature (Enabled/Not Forced)
- CeramicsPlugin (Enabled/Not Forced)
- ChiselPlugin (Enabled/Not Forced)
RebornCore: Plugin Engine: 0
RebornCore Version:
Runtime Debofucsation 1
RenderEngine: 1
Suspected Mods: Charset (charset)
Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)
Player Count: 1 / 10; [EntityPlayerMP['Pastelllll'/375, l='TMI3 Multiplayer', x=257.80, y=64.00, z=-11.26]]
Type: Integrated Server (map_client.txt)
Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fml,forge'