Charset Storage - Chests

Charset Storage - Chests


SimpleLogic wires make C&B multiparts invisible

COLDW0LF opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Placing SimpleLogic wires in the same block as C&B blocks is causing some issues for me.
More than likely an MCMultipart issue, but wanted to let you know!

No errors are getting thrown/logging that I'm aware of.
Fancy render is enabled, no Optifine.
MAGE, VanillaFix, FoamFix, and BetterFPS are being used.

  • If C&B block is placed first, wires will place perfectly. Upon re-loading the world, C&B are invisible.
  • If wires are placed first, C&B blocks will either refuse to place, or will place and become invisible.
  • Wires remain functional regardless of the rendering state of the multipart.

Before Load:
After Load:


Throw out VanillaFix and BetterFPS first. As the developer, I'm fairly confident FoamFix and MAGE shouldn't cause issues here.

I assume you have the absolute latest version of every mod?


Yep, everything's up to date. I'll try removing them both now and let you know if that changes anything!

Tried without all four just to be thorough; issue is still present, unfortunately.


I don't know if it's related but I just had a crash related to Multipart while placing wires