Chat Tweaks

Chat Tweaks


Incompatability with Baritone

Infinidoge opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Hello, I am running forge 1.12.2, with the Impact client (which includes Baritone) installed, in addition to Chat Tweaks.

I am attempting to use the Chat Tweaks to filter client messages into a separate tab (namely, using the RegEx \[.*\].*), for the purposes of separating out Impact and Baritone messages from the normal chat. However, I have noticed that while the mod is installed, Baritone does not print any messages to chat at all, while still functioning normally otherwise. The Impact messages, however, are working just fine.

Are there any possible fixes, or should this be reported as a bug?
If it matters, within Baritone I am able to select a different logger, which as of currently is Minecraft.getMinecraft().ingameGUI.getChatGUI()::printChatMessage according to the source code of the settings.


Screenshot of Chat (Corresponds to the "Hello" in the log file)