Chat Patches

Chat Patches


TEMPLATE Issue/Suggestion: Title or Very simplified summary of the issue

mrbuilder1961 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


If you report a bug for a mod version that is NOT the latest of the Minecraft version being used, it WILL be marked invalid.

Basic Information:

Operating System

Windows 10

Minecraft Version:


Fabric and Fabric API Version:

0.14.9, 0.58.0+1.19

Cloth Config and Mod Menu versions (if installed):

7.0.69, 4.0.2

wmch.json file and/or LINK TO chatlog.json file (if not suggestion)

  "time": true,
  "timeStr": "[HH:mm]",
  "timeFormat": "",
  "timeColor": 1959247,
  "hover": true,
  "hoverStr": "MM/dd/yyyy",
  "counter": true,
  "counterStr": "\u00268(\u00267x\u0026e$\u00268)",
  "counterColor": 16777045,
  "boundary": true,
  "boundaryStr": "\u0026b[\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d]",
  "boundaryColor": 13675199,
  "saveChat": true,
  "shiftHudPos": false,
  "maxMsgs": 4096,
  "nameStr": "\u00266\u0026lPlayers\u0026r.$."

Any other mods _OR_ full mod list photo (if other mods installed):

<photo of mods folder>


Issue Type (suggestion, file, formatting, config, chatlog, messages, etc.)


Description (best explanation you can, if you can attach photos that is very helpful):

Can you add an option to edit the config with no other mods installed?

How to reproduce (where and how you found the bug):

I saw that I couldn't open the mod in-game without any other mods installed!

Expected result (if not already stated, otherwise leave blank/delete):


Crash log link (don't paste the whole log here! use Pastebin or


Additional context (anything that could possibly be relevant to this issue)


(it doesn't have to be formatted with all fancy italics and code and bold, but please keep the commas and headers to make my job easier. also, it's a little easier for me if you remove the notices at the top of the issue before submitting. thanks!)