CheatUtils by Zergatul

CheatUtils by Zergatul


conflict with lithium

end-user opened this issue ยท 10 comments


Received this (trying to update everything to 1.19.4), lithium v 0.11.1. Not sure what the right approach would be, but it looks like lithium gets skipped. Is it possible to have both?

[09:21:16] [Render thread/WARN]: Method overwrite conflict for getEntityManager in lithium.mixins.json:chunk.entity_class_groups.ClientWorldMixin from mod lithium, previously written by com.zergatul.cheatutils.mixins.MixinClientWorld. Skipping method.


Of course, I see that I'm using cheatutils for v1.19.3 so that might be an issue too


Does it cause any problems? If methods in both mods have the same body (from its name I assume it should be the same), then we should be fine. You have link to Lithium source?


Well, looks like I'm also awaiting a version for 1.19.4


is 1.19.4 for fabric in the works?


is 1.19.4 for fabric in the works?

It is actually ready, but I got stupid bug which is pretty hard to debug. First time you start minecraft with mod - cheatutils hotkeys don't work. You have to change at least one cheatutils hotkey and it fixes the issue. I didn't want to release 1.19.4 fabric just because of this bug.


understood - just checking.


added 1.19.4 ver


Looks like it's working. Still gives the method conflict warning, but seems ok.