


[1.12.2] The return of Feathergeddon - Baby Chickens spewing feathers!

MokahTGS opened this issue ยท 10 comments


Issue Description:

Hatching a baby chicken causes them to spew feathers at an insane rate leading to feathers everywhere. This bug has happened before and gone away on it's own leading me to suspect a mod interaction gone wrong.

Steps to reproduce (important):

  1. Hatch baby chicken
  2. Watch Feathers spawn like mad.
  3. Scratch head and setup void pipes...

There have been many reports of this and it would be helpful if someone knew where the old issue where, to see if there is a correlation. Would love to know if others have seen this. This issue was not there in previous versions of our mod collections (not a public pack) but just started recently. Big things that for some reason my gut tells me might be involved: We added Buildcraft, which is what we had in 1.10 when we last saw this issue. This is just my gut theory, so, no real evidence. I will do some testing and report back.

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • Chickens: 6.0.3
  • More Chickens: 3.1.0
  • Hatchery: 2.1.2
  • Roost: 1.2.0
  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge: 2611

Initial testing of removing buildcraft: Newly hatched baby chickens did not spew feathers when Buildcraft was not present. Putting Buildcraft back into the mix caused then newly hatched baby chickens to spew feathers.

EDIT: Never mind: Baby chickens are still spewing feathers even when Buildcraft is disabled. No idea why this is happening.


More Testing: Using the color eggs and throwing them to get a baby chicken produces a baby chicken that does not spew feathers.

Using the Hatchery nest to hatch a chicken produces a baby chicken that does not spew feathers.

Both of the above chickens are Lapis Blue Chickens with the 1,1,1 stats. Bread chickens hatched in the nests with stats or other chickens seem to hatch spewing feathers however.

Taking eggs with stats (10,10,10) and throwing them produces a baby chicken that spews feathers.


how fast do they spew feathers.. at what rate?


Very fast... They are pouring out. We have an advanced item collector setup and a trash can but if we have multie babies it will overload the system


Both botania and quark have that option turned off. Always have.


Actually botania removed that from the 1.12.2 version a long time ago.


This might be preliminary, but Terraqueous has an option for feather drops from chickens that we turned off. Feathers seem to have stopped spewing. I'm reporting this to them to see if they have something in their code that is causing issues.


Hope maybe we can narrow it down with this. @MokahTGS Thanks for doing some heavy testing with this.


We have been running all night with no feather spewing. This might be it. It would be nice if someone else could confirm this with another setup.

Botania and quark also add chickena drop feathers

   public ItemStack createDropStack() {
   	Item item = rand.nextInt(3) > 0 ? Items.EGG : Items.FEATHER;
   	return new ItemStack(item, 1);```