


[Bug]: Ice block rendering issues

JustAPotota opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Bug Description

  1. Pillar blocks are opaque
  2. Non-connected-texture ice blocks don't cull the faces between them
  3. Non-pillar blocks with connected textures are only translucent in the corners


How to Reproduce?

No response

Expected Behavior

Chipped ice blocks should render the same as vanilla ice blocks: translucent and with touching faces culled.



Mod Loader Version

1.21.1 - 21.1.90

Mod Loader


Logs or additional context

Mod list

	3d-Skin-Layers 1.7.4 (skinlayers3d)
	AE2WTLib 19.1.7 (ae2wtlib)
	AE2WTLib API 19.1.7 (ae2wtlib_api)
	AmbientEnvironment (ambientenvironment)
	Amendments 1.21-1.2.19 (amendments)
	AppleSkin 3.0.5+mc1.21 (appleskin)
	Applied Energistics 2 19.1.2-beta (ae2)
	Applied Mekanistics 1.6.2 (appmek)
	Architectury 13.0.8 (architectury)
	Artifacts 12.0.5 (artifacts)
	Athena 4.0.1 (athena)
	AttributeFix 21.1.2 (attributefix)
	Balm 21.0.20 (balm)
	Better Babies 0.7.13 (mr_better_babies)
	betterfpsdist mod 6.0 (betterfpsdist)
	Bookshelf 21.1.26 (bookshelf)
	Caelus API 7.0.1+1.21.1 (caelus)
	Carry On 2.2.2 (carryon)
	Chat Heads 0.13.7 (chat_heads)
	Chipped 4.0.2 (chipped)
	Cloth Config v15 API 15.0.140 (cloth_config)
	Clumps (clumps)
	Cobblemon 1.6.0+1.21.1 (cobblemon)
	Cobblemon Capture XP 1.6-neoforge-1.0.0 (capture_xp)
	Cobblepedia 0.7.0-SNAPSHOT (cobblepedia)
	Cobweb 1.3.0 (cobweb)
	Collective 7.87 (collective)
	Concentration 2.3.0 (concentration)
	Configured 2.6.0 (configured)
	Controlling 19.0.3 (controlling)
	CosmeticArmorReworked 1.21.1-v1-neoforge (cosmeticarmorreworked)
	Creeper Overhaul 4.0.5 (creeperoverhaul)
	Cupboard mod 2.8 (cupboard)
	Curios API 9.0.15+1.21.1 (curios)
	Data API 1.6.3 (mr_developer_resources)
	ElevatorMod 1.21.1-1.11.3 (elevatorid)
	Elytra Slot 9.0.2+1.21.1 (elytraslot)
	Embeddium 1.0.11+mc1.21.1 (embeddium)
	Embeddium Extra 0.5.7e+mc1.21-build.129 (embeddium_extra)
	EMI 1.1.18+1.21.1+neoforge (emi)
	EMI Enchanting 0.1.2+1.21+neoforge (emi_enchanting)
	EMI Loot 0.7.4+1.21+neoforge (emi_loot)
	End Portal Recipe 5.5 (endportalrecipe)
	Ender's Delight 1.0.2 (endersdelight)
	Enderman Overhaul 2.0.2 (endermanoverhaul)
	EndRespawnAnchor 2.0.0 (end_respawn_anchor)
	ExpandAbility 12.0.0 (expandability)
	Expanded Delight (expandeddelight)
	Explorer's Compass 1.21.1-3.0.3-neoforge (explorerscompass)
	Farmer's Delight 1.2.6 (farmersdelight)
	FastLeafDecay 35 (fastleafdecay)
	Ferrite Core 7.0.2 (ferritecore)
	Friends & Foes 3.0.6 (friendsandfoes)
	FTB Library 2101.1.7 (ftblibrary)
	FTB Ultimine 2101.1.1 (ftbultimine)
	Fzzy Config 0.5.9+1.21+neoforge (fzzy_config)
	GeckoLib 4 4.7.1 (geckolib)
	Handcrafted 4.0.2 (handcrafted)
	Harvest with ease 9.4.0 (harvest_with_ease)
	Iron Ender Chests 1.21.1-1.0.3 (iron_ender_chests)
	Item Interactions 21.1.0 (iteminteractions)
	Jade 15.9.2+neoforge (jade)
	Just Enough Items (jei)
	Kiwi Library 15.2.2+neoforge (kiwi)
	Kotlin For Forge 5.7.0 (kotlinforforge)
	KumaAPI 21.0.5-SNAPSHOT (kuma_api)
	Lighty 3.0.0-beta.8 (lighty)
	Magnum Torch 21.1.0 (magnumtorch)
	Mekanism 10.7.8 (mekanism)
	Mekanism Unleashed 1.21-0.2.1 (mekanism_unleashed)
	Mekanism: Generators 10.7.8 (mekanismgenerators)
	Mekanism: Tools 10.7.8 (mekanismtools)
	Metal Bundles 21.1.0 (metalbundles)
	Minecraft 1.21.1 (minecraft)
	ModernFix 5.19.6+mc1.21.1 (modernfix)
	Monsters In The Closet 1.0.3+1.21-forge (monsters_in_the_closet)
	Moonlight Lib 1.21-2.17.12 (moonlight)
	Mouse Tweaks 2.26.1 (mousetweaks)
	Moving Elevators 1.4.10 (movingelevators)
	My Nether's Delight 1.7.8 (mynethersdelight)
	Nature's Compass 1.21.1-3.0.2-neoforge (naturescompass)
	NeoForge 21.1.90 (neoforge)
	Ocean's Delight 1.0.3 (oceansdelight)
	Patchouli 1.21-87-NEOFORGE (patchouli)
	Ping Wheel 1.10.0 (pingwheel)
	Polymorph 1.0.7+1.21.1 (polymorph)
	PrickleMC 21.1.6 (prickle)
	Puzzles Lib 21.1.24 (puzzleslib)
	Resourceful Lib 3.0.11 (resourcefullib)
	Resourcefulconfig 3.0.7 (resourcefulconfig)
	Searchables 1.0.2 (searchables)
	Sophisticated Backpacks 3.20.29 (sophisticatedbackpacks)
	Sophisticated Core 1.0.5 (sophisticatedcore)
	Sophisticated Storage 1.0.4 (sophisticatedstorage)
	SuperMartijn642's Config Library 1.1.8 (supermartijn642configlib)
	SuperMartijn642's Core Lib 1.1.17+i (supermartijn642corelib)
	Supplementaries 1.21-3.0.28-beta (supplementaries)
	Visual Workbench 21.1.0 (visualworkbench)
	Waystones 21.1.5 (waystones)
	When Dungeons Arise 2.1.60 (dungeons_arise)
	Xaero's Minimap 24.7.1 (xaerominimap)
	Xaero's World Map 1.39.2 (xaeroworldmap)
	XeKr's Decoration 1.0.2+neoforge (xkdeco) 

Code of Conduct

  • I have searched the issue tracker and confirmed that the issue has not been reported
  • I have checked the FAQ (if one is present) and my issue is not listed
  • I have verified that I am using the latest version of the mod
  • I have verified that I have installed all the required dependencies for the mod
  • I have verified that I do not have Optifine installed. We will close issues if we detect Optifine is in your pack. We cannot fix Optifine issues. Please do not report issues with Optifine present.