Chisel Chipped Integration

Chisel Chipped Integration


chisel2/modtweaker crash

redgoblin88 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


i want to implement a money mod for trade so i thought of chiseling resources to money and such since there is no trade station things that i can manipulate

i attempted to make it so when you put a 5 dollar note in a chisel you can turn it into coal and vice versa but upon implementing it i crash.

i have colntacted the mod authur of modtweaker (jared) and he said he no longer supports 1.7 mods, but he had a quick look at the following crash and said it was a problem with chisel

i have updated all three ods and the issue still persists with the exact same crash

the crashlog:


Didn't this get fixed?


this isn't a modtweaker bug, I would assume it has to do with items going into the chisel (Items, not blocks)