Chiseled Me

Chiseled Me


[Issue] crash with Valkyrien Skies

gatoborrachon opened this issue ยท 4 comments


When I try to use this mod with mod Valkyrien Skies (and its 2 modules: VS-World and VS-Control) and i try to load a new/existing world, the game crashes.

this is the same behavior that this issue said in 2020

Additional information:


I also want to add that when i tried Chiseled Me in a custom modpack, i got this crash report instead: (more related to Thaumcraft):
(Same crash with only Chiseled Me, Valkyrien Skies and Thaumcraft:

if you manage to fix this issue (only between Chiseled Me and Valkryen Skies) i will try to load Thaumcraft and see if that issue is fixed too (I suppose it should, there are not issues between Valkyrien Skies and Thaumcraft, nor issues between Chiseled Me and Thaumcraft)


Yeah I see that CM and VS are actually incompatible - they try to modify the same thing and that's an incompatibility.
I'll look into it once I'm back on working on cm (around mid summer), but the priority is 1.16 so I can't promise this will ever get fixed.


oh, sad to hear that, but no problem, i hope it is "easy" to fix, many thanks (i know that it never is)

take the necessary time, no problem


This one is one of those that should be actually easy to fix, yes. But ofc should be and will be are different things :)