Chiseled Me

Chiseled Me


my game crashes when i try to load it

SuperSonic392 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


is it something with little tiles? forge? creative core? do i have to use chisels and bits?

i haven't been using optifine. (pretty sure i haven't used it in 1.12.2 ever)
is there anything that can fix it.
it says something about IRarity.

if you think anything on my taskbar looks dumb..... why? it's mostly browsers and online games
Screenshot (124)

what's that all about?


IRarity crash means that you have an old Forge, if you update it to last it wont crash because of that.

Right now a ton of fixes are already made and I am releasing a much better version in the next couple of days.
And it includes the fix for this IRarity thing, so closing this issue as already fixed.

P.S. Way too many unnecessary question marks and/or questions


" P.S. Way too many unnecessary question marks and/or questions".
sorry about that.
anyway thanks for that, I'm gonna start getting a newer version of forge now


Don't worry so much, omg
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