Chisels & Bits - For Fabric

Chisels & Bits - For Fabric


Make C&B models applyable to weapons

Popgirl12 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I had an idea a while back for chisel and bit where you could create custom tools/weapon models using the mod so that roleplay modpacks could have custom items from chisel and bits.


I know that @Phylogeny 's Extra Bit Manipulation lets you create custom armors however, so if your interested in that I'd recommend checking that out.

Not sure about weapons or tools, I think there is a major draw back to that since you can't just put in a pick Axe and "skin it" so if you have a fancy tinkers tool, or "uber death slayer axe 2000", you would have to trade that in for a "diamond sword with a fancy skin" which doesn't even cover things like modded tools.


The ability to render custom chiseled block model sets in place of any specified item, whenever that item is held, is a feature is planned for EBM. Here is a detailed explanation of this and other planed features:

I even made a bit of progress on implementing it, then life got in the way, so I haven't touched EBM in nearly 2 months. I hope to get back into it soon, but even then, as I explain in the link above, this will require alot of refactoring and time to implement.

All that said, I make no promises as to when even just this one feature will be finished.


I certainly understand how that goes, I've made so little progress on C&B lately, though I've been trying to make a push to finish up blueprints this last week. I started it back in Mar 10, 2016


so is there an ETA on when this is gunna be a thing?