Chisels & Bits - For Fabric

Chisels & Bits - For Fabric


Set Bit Command

AlgorithmX2 opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Something like,
/setbit x,y,z bx,by,bz blockstate

This could be miss used so should probably be in the config and be disabled by default.

Suggested by timtomtim7


should also require OP permissions or extensive checking that the replaced blocks are air and can be replaced as it could be abused to bypass permissions otherwise


I imagine that it should have the same permission requirements as /setblock

I think the idea is to allow command block sort of interactions, not to give users a way to cheat.


i know it's not ment to give ways to cheat, just trying to help avoid that


Sure, Its not a bad observation, guess it just seemed overly obvious at the time. Lol


My original idea for this command wasn't for command blocks (though I'm sure someone would find that useful), but rather for command computers (ComputerCraft). I think this and a command computer would open up tons of possibilities for shapes that would have otherwise required a lot of time or an addon to create.



Foiled by my own suggestion: I loaded up the game with the new version and completely forgot about it being disabled by default for a whole like 5 minutes.