Chisels & Bits - For Fabric

Chisels & Bits - For Fabric


Not working in survival mode

leggomyriego opened this issue ยท 4 comments


My mod seems to not be working in survival. When chiseling, I don't see the areas I'm chiseling being removed nor are they giving me bits. I can hit the block with the chisel like an axe/pick axe, but all it does it slowly crack like I'm breaking the block and distort it giving. But if I change the gamemode to creative, it's works perfectly fine like it's supposed to.

I'm using version 1.8 on a forge server. Any help?


Why are you using a build of C&B for 1.8.9 from January?

I'd start by updating, if that doesn't help I'd suggest testing with less and less mods to identify any incompatibilities with the mod.

Also on the off chance you meant MC 1.8, not sure I can help you there, 1.8 hasn't been supported for a while now.


Yes, I meant minecraft 1.8. The 1.8 C&B version is the only one that is compatible with my server. Anything newer than that is not compatible with my server unfortunately and if I update the server most of my other mods will not work. I suppose I'm out of luck for now then. Thank you for your response.


That is unfortunate, Its sad that so many mods do not have newer versions available.


For the record this bug was never reported on the final builds for 1.8, so I imagine that something else is conflicting, however that would likely require you to remove another mod to resolve, and since your adding C&B to your server that unlikely to be a good solution.