


[Suggestion]: SereneSeasons integration

vico93 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


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Suggestion Description

Now that SereneSeasons (MR) is also multiloader, i suggest adding "integration" (aka defining seasons where Gysahls grow) with that for further immersion for those that have both mods in their modpacks.

This can be easily done adding the gysahl seed item into a couple of sereneseasons tags, according with Forstride (SereneSeasons dev): "[..]it now just stops the random tick event if a crop is out of season"

Here's the default tags for vanilla biomes and here's a example of how the files need to be organized. I think installations that doesn't have that mod added will just ignore such tags.

Thanks a lot for this mod!


Is it possible that Serene Seasons is the reason I haven't found any chocobos in my 1.19.2 world?


No, serene seasons doesn't change mob spawning