[BUG] ctov:small/village_swamp_fortified crashes the game due to CommandSyntaxException: Unknown block type 'minecraft:deepslate_stairs'
JSJBDEV opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Describe the bug
When spawning into a world, I spawned next to one of these villages, it then immediately crashed
To Reproduce
go near or locate a ctov:small/village_swamp_fortified village, I re-created my seed and the same thing happened, if necessary I can send the pack and log, but I'm 90% sure one of your nbt files just uses deepslate_stairs rather than cobbled_ or brick_
Expected behaviour
to place some form of deepslate stair in the structure and not crash
Minecraft Version
CTOV Version
Additional context
The mclo.gs page see lines 7 and 70
Extra notes:
- Mechanic building is clipped incorrectly.
- Vault and warehouse building has its jigsaw missing