[CRASH] Recent CTOV Update in 1.20.4 Fabric
GamebP opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Describe the bug
Making a new world
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behaviour:
- Download Fabric 0.15.11
- Have FabricAPI 0.97.1+1.20.4.jar
- Then download ctov-3.4.4.jar
- Open game
- Try to create a world
Expected behaviour
On create world it should crash and put you in Minecraft Launcher
Minecraft Version
1.20.4 Fabric
CTOV Version
Add-ons used (Before 1.20)
Do you install Lithostitched?(1.20+)
Additional context
ctov-fabric-3.4.3.jar runs without issues but the new updated one runs with issues
Log files