Chunk Loaders

Chunk Loaders


[Bug] Chunk loader not working for villager breeding and food grinder

FishyDish opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I have a chunk loader at my auto food grinder and villager breeder on a server so even when everyone is offline they should still work, but when i go back nothing has changed, not sure if it is because they are in modded biomes from biomes o' plenty


I assume your auto food grinder depends on mob spawning. Mobs only spawn around players, not just when a chunk is loaded.
You might want to check out Scarecrows' Territory, it allows mobs to spawn around scarecrows which you can place.

I have no clue if villager breeding requires a player nearby, as far as I can find online, it does not.
The villagers might look for nearby job stations or villages, so you might just need to load a bigger area.

Anyways, if things work with the /forceload command but not with Chunk Loaders, it's a bug with Chunk Loaders.
If things also don't work with /forceload, they probably require other factors apart from just the chunk being loaded.


Feel free to comment and I will reopen the issue.