Unbreakable: false duplicates NBT tag for items spawned with {Unbreakable:1b}
Partonetrain opened this issue ยท 2 comments
It does set the unbreakable tag to false, but I would expect it to do nothing, or at least set the unbreakable tag without duplicating it into the "tag" tag.
My use-case here is I have a unbreakable version of an item as loot, but I want the normal (and loot) version of it to have custom attributes. Aside from this issue, I would also like to propose the option to exclude items that already have overrides via NBT. If not, that's okay, I will mixin here to disable the unbreakable code.
To reproduce:
set an item in config to unbreakable: false
, eg.
"item": "minecraft:diamond_sword",
"overrides_main_hand": [
"overrides_off_hand": [
"overrides_head": [],
"overrides_chest": [],
"overrides_legs": [],
"overrides_feet": [],
"unbreakable": false
give an item with the unbreakable tag, e.g. /give @p diamond_sword{Unbreakable:1b}
use /data get entity @p SelectedItem
with said item in selected hotbar slot (or /ct hand vanilla if you have CraftTweaker)
Observe the data being duplicated into the "tag" tag: