CIT Resewn

CIT Resewn


Armor texture errors

ccyounga opened this issue · 3 comments


Greetings! I would like to get more comments on the topic of armor textures in your mod. Previously, we used our armor textures through optifine without problems, now this mod gives a lot of errors and only displays icons, there are no armor textures themselves. I studied the brief documentation that was stated that the plugin can display armor textures.
Error log from the mod:

At the moment, this is the only thing that worries us. I would like to get working textures and enjoy the absence of lags from optifine.
If you can understand something, please help me understand. Ready to provide files, tell me which ones.


Read the error messages(from line ~250).

Could not resolve texture @l10 in minecraft:optifine/cit/minefite/armors/orc/ from Minefite RP additional

Texture paths are not pointing towards textures(can't really know why without seeing the pack).

Not targeting any item type in minecraft:optifine/cit/new_donate_armor/ from Minefite RP additional

The armor type requires you specify an item type(s).

Unknown condition type "citresewn:Name" @l6 in minecraft:optifine/cit/new_donate_armor/ from Minefite RP additional

Name is not a real condition that can specified as of v1.1.1

Unknown condition type "citresewn:stacksize" @L2 in minecraft:optifine/cit/items/resources/ from Minefite RP additional

stackSize is case sensitive.


Thanks for getting back! I am sending you a link to a resource pack that I uploaded to a file hosting service.
I don't see any other way to upload here.
The archive contains a resource pack folder, it is stored as a folder and not as an archive for the game, since individual files are constantly updated on the server.
We can’t figure it out because this code works fine with Optifine, all textures are displayed.
Please try to investigate the issue and provide any specific indications of errors. We will fix all the configs and I will be happy with the result that we were finally able to replace optifine.


Read the closing comment again. I listed a bunch of issues the pack has which need to be fixed for it to work.

Read your logs and read the docs.