Compatibility with Cosmetic Armor Fabric
Alkiasan opened this issue ยท 7 comments
When used alongside , CIT armor used in cosmetic slots doesn't appear as its CIT, and instead appears as its default item, is this possible to add compat for?
Added explicit support in v0.5.2
Is this still planned? Noticed it was removed from the to-do. Testing with the VanitySlots mod on 1.18.2 and the issue still persists.
I'm not sure anymore, haven't decided. Right now I'm leaning towards providing an api for these mods to put their own support when they make these types of slots.
It was removed because there were other pressing things in the todo and that todo column is for the next release so these issues were removed until I decided what I'm going to do with it.
Aight. As much as I want to add support from CIT Resewn's side, I have decided it'd be better not to for now.
These mods will have to add support on their side and so there is now an api to facilitate that.