CIT Resewn

CIT Resewn


Cannot build project

einmeterhecht opened this issue ยท 6 comments


gradle always fails with the following message:

> Task :1.19.4:remapJar FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':1.19.4:remapJar'.
> A failure occurred while executing net.fabricmc.loom.task.RemapJarTask$RemapAction
   > Failed to remap, java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot nest jars into none mod jar citresewn-1.1.3+1.19.4.jar

When running with --info, it showed the following in the log:

> Task :1.19.4:compileJava NO-SOURCE
Skipping task ':1.19.4:compileJava' as it has no source files and no previous output files.
Resolve mutations for :1.19.4:processResources (Thread[#412,included builds,5,main]) started.
:1.19.4:processResources (Thread[#412,included builds,5,main]) started.

> Task :1.19.4:processResources NO-SOURCE
Skipping task ':1.19.4:processResources' as it has no source files and no previous output files.
Resolve mutations for :1.19.4:classes (Thread[#412,included builds,5,main]) started.
:1.19.4:classes (Thread[#412,included builds,5,main]) started.

Steps to reproduce:

git clone
cd CITResewn
gradlew build

I have been trying for 4.5 hrs by now, please help


Although it is odd that it wont build with pure gradle, any reason you're not using idea to run the tasks?


Good point, thank you for your help! It didn't work right away last time so I gave up on IDEA too early - sadly still getting the same error in IDEA as with CLI gradle...


Tried it again and this time it worked...
Thank you very much!


Ok, I just saw it works with the 1.20.1 version but not the 1.19.4 one...


Ok, I just saw it works with the 1.20.1 version but not the 1.19.4 one...

Are you using the task to properly switch to 1.19.4?


That was it - thanks a lot for pointing me to this stupid mistake

Note to anyone coming around here having the same issue in the future:

  • Do not use the Tasks from the root project - use the ones in the folders (at the time of writing "1.19.4" and "1.20.1")
  • Use the "stonecutter/Set active version to ..." task before building