CIT Resewn

CIT Resewn


Infinite loading times

t0mtee opened this issue ยท 11 comments


I'm trying to enable BetterVanillaBuilding with Resewn but loading times are infinite (or just very long).
Logs read:

[23:38:20] [Worker-Main-1/WARN]: File ostoverhaul:sounds/music/withering_charge.ogg does not exist, cannot add it to event ostoverhaul:withering_charge
[23:38:20] [Worker-Main-1/WARN]: File ostoverhaul:sounds/music/withering.ogg does not exist, cannot add it to event ostoverhaul:withering
[23:38:20] [Worker-Main-1/WARN]: Invalid block 'minecraft:grass_path' in 'matchBlocks' element 'grass_path' at index 74 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/zsmalloverlays/odirt/' in pack ''
[23:38:20] [Worker-Main-1/WARN]: Invalid block 'minecraft:grass_path' in 'matchBlocks' element 'grass_path' at index 80 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/zsmalloverlays/pcoarse dirt/' in pack ''
[23:38:20] [Worker-Main-1/WARN]: Invalid block 'minecraft:grass_path' in 'matchBlocks' element 'grass_path' at index 81 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/zsmalloverlays/qpodzol/' in pack ''
[23:38:20] [Worker-Main-1/WARN]: Invalid block 'minecraft:grass_path' in 'matchBlocks' element 'grass_path' at index 82 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/zsmalloverlays/rclay/' in pack ''
[23:38:20] [Worker-Main-1/WARN]: Invalid block 'minecraft:grass_path' in 'matchBlocks' element 'grass_path' at index 83 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/zsmalloverlays/smycelium/' in pack ''
[23:38:20] [Worker-Main-1/WARN]: Invalid block 'minecraft:grass_path' in 'matchBlocks' element 'grass_path' at index 84 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/zsmalloverlays/tgrass_overlay/' in pack ''
[23:38:20] [Worker-Main-1/WARN]: Invalid block 'minecraft:grass_path' in 'matchBlocks' element 'grass_path' at index 83 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/zsmalloverlays/tgrass_overlay_bottom/' in pack ''
[23:38:20] [Worker-Main-1/WARN]: Invalid block 'minecraft:grass_path' in 'matchBlocks' element 'grass_path' at index 84 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/zsmalloverlays/tgrass_overlay_side/' in pack ''
[23:38:20] [Worker-Main-1/WARN]: Invalid block 'minecraft:grass_path' in 'matchBlocks' element 'grass_path' at index 84 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/zsmalloverlays/tsnow_grass/' in pack ''
[23:38:20] [Worker-Main-1/WARN]: Invalid block 'minecraft:grass_path' in 'matchBlocks' element 'grass_path' at index 84 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/zsmalloverlays/tsnow_grass/' in pack ''
[23:38:20] [Worker-Main-1/WARN]: Invalid block 'minecraft:grass_path' in 'matchBlocks' element 'grass_path' at index 84 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/zsmalloverlays/tsnow_grassside/' in pack ''
[23:38:20] [Worker-Main-1/WARN]: Invalid block 'minecraft:grass_path' in 'matchBlocks' element 'grass_path' at index 84 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/zsmalloverlays/tsnow_grassside/' in pack ''
[23:38:20] [Worker-Main-1/WARN]: Invalid block 'minecraft:grass_path' in 'matchBlocks' element 'grass_path' at index 85 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/zsmalloverlays/tycrimson/' in pack ''
[23:38:20] [Worker-Main-1/WARN]: Invalid block 'minecraft:grass_path' in 'matchBlocks' element 'grass_path' at index 84 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/zsmalloverlays/tycrimson_side/' in pack ''
[23:38:20] [Worker-Main-1/WARN]: Invalid block 'minecraft:grass_path' in 'matchBlocks' element 'grass_path' at index 86 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/zsmalloverlays/tzwarped/' in pack ''
[23:38:20] [Worker-Main-1/WARN]: Invalid block 'minecraft:grass_path' in 'matchBlocks' element 'grass_path' at index 85 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/zsmalloverlays/tzwarped_side/' in pack ''
[23:38:20] [Worker-Main-1/WARN]: Invalid block 'minecraft:grass_path' in 'matchBlocks' element 'grass_path' at index 87 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/zsmalloverlays/ugravel/' in pack ''
[23:38:20] [Worker-Main-1/WARN]: Invalid block 'minecraft:grass_path' in 'matchBlocks' element 'grass_path' at index 65 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/zsmalloverlays/vred_sand/' in pack ''
[23:38:20] [Worker-Main-1/WARN]: Invalid block 'minecraft:grass_path' in 'matchBlocks' element 'grass_path' at index 66 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/zsmalloverlays/wsand/' in pack ''
[23:38:20] [Worker-Main-1/WARN]: Invalid block 'minecraft:grass_block_snow' in 'matchBlocks' element 'grass_block_snow' at index 76 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/zsmalloverlays/ysnow/' in pack ''
[23:38:20] [Worker-Main-1/WARN]: Invalid block 'minecraft:grass_path' in 'matchBlocks' element 'grass_path' at index 91 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/zsmalloverlays/ysnow/' in pack ''
[23:38:20] [Worker-Main-1/WARN]: Invalid block 'minecraft:grass_block_snow' in 'matchBlocks' element 'grass_block_snow' at index 77 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/zsmalloverlays/zhay/' in pack ''
[23:38:20] [Worker-Main-1/WARN]: Invalid block 'minecraft:grass_path' in 'matchBlocks' element 'grass_path' at index 92 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/zsmalloverlays/zhay/' in pack ''
[23:38:20] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: [citresewn] Parsing CITs...


Send the entire logs file and the resourcepacks that are active, was better vanilla building the only one active?


Send the entire logs file and the resourcepacks that are active, was better vanilla building the only one active?



Can you try running with just better vanilla building enabled?


Oh.. odd.. it shouldn't have frozen up like that though :/


So is everything working right now then?


Can you try running with just better vanilla building enabled?

yup, still happens. is it possible that the resewn is conflicting with another texture mod i have installed, such as Continuity, CEM or Animatica?


ok if I enable the allow broken paths option it loads fine


So is everything working right now then?

it's quite laggy when using the pack... drops by 10 frames


But it the pack is loading, right?



But it the pack is loading, right?


Try raising the cache time in the config. If that doesn't help, the resourcepack is a bit too much for your system.