Mojang basically added this mod to vanilla: what now?
TQNL opened this issue Β· 9 comments
The question
Mijang added item models a while back, and in 24w03a, you can call item textures based on their components field, thereby, as far as I can tell, adding the functionality of this mod and optifine/mcpatcher, into vanilla.
You and all the devs have spent months trying to update to components, for 1.20.5-1.21.4
I just want to say, i feel sorry for basically wasting time, i dont want to sound harsh, i want to share my sympathy, and am currious to your thoughts about this snapshot.
- I checked the issues(both open and closed) and could not find a duplicate of my question
I too am curious. Did Mojang implement every feature of this mod? Or are there still things this mod can do that the vanilla game canβt?
Or are there still things this mod can do that the vanilla game canβt?
Comparing values by regex at least
This mod will still be needed for 1.21.4 and lower so time hasn't been wasted and it's a snapshot it could be removed.
and it's a snapshot it could be removed.
First off, no, absolutely not. Mojang is seemingly giving resourcepack devs more options with recent versions and I highly doubt they would remove functionality, them even saying they will be fixing enchantments so that enchantment book resourcepacks could work.
Comparing values by regex at least
As far as regex goes, I've always disliked this feature of CIT and kept it only as people seem to want to keep using it. It is way too overcomplicated for the vanilla game and should not be a part of resourcepack creation in my opinion.
There are other things CIT Resewn does that vanilla packs cannot, for example layering packs on the same item type and allowing to change armor/elytra textures based on components. Not to mention glints which has always been a pain point with CIT as a whole.
As for the original question, what now.
I dont know.
I started this mod with a lot of free time and was playing against a vanilla server at the time so I had a lot of use for it. Right now the only thing that makes me feel obligated to work on it is that versions keep updating. Making it so the mod lags behind every update.
That of course also worsened a lot since the idiotic decision to do drops instead of full updates.
I was and always am watching the snapshots carefully every week, the moment they are up and have of course seen the snapshot from last week. Honestly speaking I genuinely did not know what to think when I read the changelogs. The most major one tho is that I felt like most of the use case of the mod will now be covered by the base game. Making demand significantly smaller if I ever plan on updating to 1.21.5.
If I ever come back to working on it or if someone else is interested in continuing, I still think that v1 is stopping the mod from being great and that v2 is the most appropriate solution to this. Of course, with only one version being in demand with 1.21.4 so I am not so sure anymore.
So all of this just comes down to if I feel like working on the mod, which frankly I do not right now. Still love this mod and think that it could be much better with more love put into it but I just dont have the motivation to work on it right now.
The guilt of not working on it is also blocking me from working on other things which is kind of bothersome to me on a personal level.
I am going to pin this issue and keep in open.
On one hand, people will be making packs that support texture assignment via item name a lot more given official implementation.
On the other hand, it looks as if you wanted to have a pack that made a renamed diamond turn into a 3d model, and then another pack that made a renamed diamond turn into rose quartz, that you cant have two packs call for the same item type's name component.
You would have to combine both packs manually, which kind of ruins the point and it's what made CIT so great (also custom armor, but I have a feeling support for that in vanilla via item name will come soon as well)
Correct me if I'm wrong on the above.
I think the best way to resolve the CIT vs vanilla issue is to just make a CIT-pack-to-vanilla converter tool (MUCH easier said than done) and then stop CIT development, since having two competing standards for item-name-texture association is futile.
I think the best way to resolve the CIT vs vanilla issue is to just make a CIT-pack-to-vanilla converter tool (MUCH easier said than done) and then stop CIT development, since having two competing standards for item-name-texture association is futile.
I actually also had this idea. I started planning this in a mod 1 or 2 weeks ago. I have no experience with modding, but I do know how recourse packs, data packs work, and I know a little about programming as a concept (so like VSCode and git(hub) and stuff).
I started making this mod this morning, since I have a week off from uni now. Ofc I have to learn a lot, and I do invite @SHsuperCM to also work on this in any capacity, and ill share my progress at a later time.
ofc such a mod cannot be perfect, due to inherent differentces between the item models format and custom item textures format, but I think I have a solid plan
turns out a background in: data pack development, and having AI generate python scripts bc ur lazy gives quite the advantage in learning to mod minecraft. sorry if people get triggers by the use of AI, but I cant code java without it, and someone has to make a start on this project... anyway, the progress I made in about 5 hours:
the next step is to convert to vanilla item model format, and the last step is to actually instantiate those modified models for use in-game. im opting to not convert the whole pack, but just generating item models for it i think, because thats less work for me, but more importantly respects the authorship of the recourse packs makers.
I've already implemented the mod not copying recourse packs it's already copied, and packs that don't have the mcpatcher or optifine cit directories
I actually also had this idea. I started planning this in a mod 1 or 2 weeks ago. I have no experience with modding, but I do know how recourse packs, data packs work, and I know a little about programming as a concept (so like VSCode and git(hub) and stuff).
I started making this mod this morning, since I have a week off from uni now. Ofc I have to learn a lot, and I do invite @SHsuperCM to also work on this in any capacity, and ill share my progress at a later time.
I think implementing this in mod is not a good idea imho. Site would go well
Last comment here, since this doesn't need to become a devlog, but I took 2 days off bc I got distracted. Anyway, I'm learning how to use the minecraft and fabric API or whatever it's called. I have learned how to access item components types and item IDs from registries. This tech will help in converting the properties files into JSON files for item models. I have also researched how the component fields interacts with item models as a whole, but implementing conversion will be difficult probably, but then again, I have had practice will python scripts.
I also want to add support for a sidecar file which tells this mod to ignore it, and hopefully I can think of a way to detect if a recourse pack has both CIT and item model support, bc hypothetically an author can choose to merge the 2 formats.
As for the idea of a site, I think the average person won't think to convert their pack, or bother to check if the author has released an item models version. They might not even know what the difference is between the 2 formats, so a mod is just better imo.
So all of this just comes down to if I feel like working on the mod, which frankly I do not right now. Still love this mod and think that it could be much better with more love put into it but I just dont have the motivation to work on it right now. The guilt of not working on it is also blocking me from working on other things which is kind of bothersome to me on a personal level.
dont let a mod bog you down. i enjoy CIT, but not at the cost of someone else's peace. most people feel the same way.
thanks for putting so much into this in the first place :)