Transparent Hand with Clay Soldiers and Project Red Mod.
GamerM opened this issue ยท 8 comments
The mod Project Red 4.7.0pre2.87 and Clay Soldiers makes a weird bug. If you run both mods at the same time. It will make your hand transparent. Is there any way you can fix this? Ask me if you need a log and I'm also going to report this issue to the creators of project red. Thanks!
You say both mods, so if you're running ProjectRed on its own it doesn't happen?
Yes it doesn't happen when ProjectRed is running alone. This only happens when they are running together.
Another question: Does it happen w/o Clay Soldiers? I meant just ProjectRed and my Manager Pack?
hm, so something in the mod is screwing with the GL state in combination with ProjectRed...
I'll look into it.
I found the error, the ParticleRenderDispatcher included in the ClaySoldiersMod seems to leak a GL state. Fortunately my Manager Pack comes now with its own (which does work with ProjectRed), so I'll make the code use that instead.