Clay soldier master ?
Closed this issue ยท 12 comments
I board download, I board view: updat build
This needs to be closed, spamming is very annoying on github
#17 explains the problem with no houses, if that is what this is about then this is done, and the issue should be closed (and downloading the master does not mean it is anymore up-to-date from the normal jar file, in regards to every single issue a regular player would worry about, also github is not for every single problem you have with the mod, mostly only game crashing/breaking stuff or maybe some feature requests, if they don't already exist)
Google Translate is not good to communicate with us... I'm sorry, I can't understand half of what you're saying. So either get someone who knows english as well as your native language or learn english yourself.
Also you spam the issue tracker with useless questions...
I'm warning you now, If you continue to do this, I have to ban you for a week...
You can still post on issues even if they're closed! You can still post if you encounter any bug you've noticed AND it's not already in the issue tracker (search for it beforehand). Same goes for crashes.
Other than that, there's the forum thread you can discuss ANYTHING else over here:
im clic download.zip
And ?????????????????????????????????????????
Sorry, this repo code is for modders and coders who want to contribute or just look at the code, not for the regular user like you (except for the issue tracker). You can find all the downloads you'll ever need over the forum thread: