Clay Soldiers Mod

Clay Soldiers Mod


[Suggestion] Player Controlled ClaySoldier

Closed this issue ยท 4 comments


This is a suggestion. Could you make a craftable Clay Soldier that players can control(Using special item) while looking through the ClayCam?


Theoretically it should be possible by now, but there are some things we need to consider when we're implementing it (how do you use redstone-dust, throw gravel, eat food etc.)


It's been "possible" since 1.4, just really buggy.

I actually made a singleplayer-only at the time thing that let you control the Melonwool Soldiers from 1.4 Meloncraft, they were a tad buggy but you COULD still walk around and control one.

Will look into this at some point...


So, while I've been updating my own mod Meloncraft, I found my old code that enabled the controllable soldiers. Got it to the point of being able to see the world from the perspective of the Melonwool Soldier, which is a decent start. Going to continue messing with the soldiers and see if I can get controls working.


I'll now close most issues in here for now, since I need to recode everything again for 1.10 / 1.11 anyway.