Clay soldiers with fermented spider eye don’t attack soldiers with ender pearl when provoked
alankao06 opened this issue · 0 comments
Do you use Java 8?
What version of Minecraft do you use?
What version of MinecraftForge do you use?
What version of SanLib do you use?
What version of Clay Soldiers do you use?
What is the issue / bug you have encountered? Give us a short description.
Clay soldiers with fermented spider eye do not attack other colored soldiers with Ender pearl when hit and will act like wheat until they die
How can it be reproduced?
Give a soldier a fermented spider eye and give a different colored soldier with a ender pearl and see the results
Please post your log file (either in /logs/fml-client-latest.log or /logs/latest.log) on and provide the link:
[Link to log file]