Manager Not Being Recognized
Garey77 opened this issue ยท 23 comments
My forge isn't recognizing the the Manager Pack. Updated Forge, Java, and tried all versions and variations of the Manager... Still not working.
I'm not crashing, I get a brown screen saying (The image attached):
Forge Mod Loader has found a problem with your minecraft installation
The mods and versions listed below could not be found
sapmanpack : minimum version required is 2.4.0
The file 'ForgeModLoader-client-0.log' contains more information.
I'm using version 2.4.1, i've tried 2.4.0, and i'm still getting the same message on Java 8, and forge 1291. I've even tried old versions of the mod, and it's manager. The only thing that changes is the required manager name.
Yea. I'm on a Mac, you're supposed to use folders for mods. (I've used mods before, I know how to use them)
no, you are supposed to put the jar file into the mods folder, like for everything else.
That's why it can't load my coremod.
What you can do is make a subfolder called "1.7.10" and put the jar files in there, so it will only load those mods for that minecraft version.
yea, by the way, mods aren't supposed to be folders either. Why it works I don't know...
So I suggest renaming that folder as well
Watch any Tutorial for a Mac, you're supposed to convert .jar to .zip, then unzip.
Most of my mods don't work in .jar or .zip form, that's why I was having so much trouble with this.
Anyways, thanks again.
I'm on an iMac, and I'm telling you that your corepack isn't registering as a mod, for whatever reason.
Can you post the fml-client-latest.log? It's in .minecraft/logs
And please use http://gist.github.com to post it.
Not totally familiar with this cite, but here's the URL for the logs I just entered in the link you gave me.
Both of them take me to the logs when I copy and paste them into the search bar.
Also, the entries from the first few seconds, I don't think are on there. It wouldn't let me scroll up any more.
And thanks for taking the time to do this.
I can already spot the error:
Java is Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.6.0_65, running on Mac OS X:x86_64:10.10.2, installed at /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home
Your Minecraft uses Java 6. See #23
Thank you so much. I already had Java 8 installed, but I redid it, and it still didn't work. I tried 7, and the same thing. The logs look a little different, but it still says that i'm using Java 6. When I check the Java cite, and my computer, they both say Java 8, or 7, and but when I ender the Terminal Command on #23 and the logs, it still says Java version 1.6. Anything you can suggest, because that thread on 23 hasn't shown anything I can use. I'll upload Logs in a sec.
You've tried the tutorial I've linked there?
Can you post a screenshot of your profile settings?
Also it doesn't seem to load my coremod at all, which is odd. Where did you put it?
When I do it, Forge and Vanilla won't even work, and I had to re download the launcher.
I just tried coping the Path in the above screenshot into Executables, and it still didn't work. I still get the "no manager installed" screen.